VIP Member
I dont know what you have against me, but i simply asked to see the math that you did where you proved that an ipad would be just as cost effective as a leather bound paper menu.
Im honestly curious, I want to see the menu that you priced out that can cost "around the same" as a 499 for the entry level iPad.
Dont be hatin!
I don't have anything personal against you. However, in previous threads I requested you research and prove your stance, and you didn't. You just linked newegg with out actually researching spec for spec, which was not a 100% valid comparison. Then when I said I was tired of having the same old debate and you could search my older posts, you claimed you did, but you decided to avoid the fact I had actually listed out every spec for spec comparison.
A simple usage of the search function would bring up this thread I am referring, and here it is