Quote me anywhere in the ATX specs where it says that. One reference.
You quoted those numbers. Apparently do not know what those numbers say. Normal voltage for an ATX computer is when incandescent lamps dim to 40% intensity. If sufficiently informed to make recommendations, you must know what numbers mean; not just quote text. Anybody can quote text. Only those with sufficient knowledge know what those numbers mean. Your numbers say normal voltage for any ATX computer is when lights at less than 40% intensity.
How often do your bulbs dim to 40% intensity? Why does the utility cut off power when lights dim to 40% intensity? Because that voltage, ideal for any ATX computer, is also harmful to motorized appliances. Another erason why brownout damage is only a myth.
Either voltage is perfectly good for any computer. Or a blackout occurs. Niether harm any electronic hardware.
Or view datasheets for any electronics. Normal voltages for any 5 volt digital electronics (CMOS or TTL) is any voltage from 7 down to minus 0.7 volts. No damage at any voltage - even when voltage goes slightly negative.
All voltages, down to zero, are not harmful to electronics. That international standard existed long before the IBM PC existed. In fact, the standard uses this expression for all voltages down to zero - "No Damage Region". Just another reason why informed consumers all but mock the "brownout damage" myth.
We engineers test each design to confirm how low voltage will be before it simply powers off. Apparently you do not design this stuff or do things necessary to see through urban myths such as "destrutive brownouts". As voltage drops, electronics work perfectly fine OR powers off. As internations design standards require. More reasons why we know brownouts do not cause damage - despite advertising and propaganda that says otherwise.
Amazing how many know brownouts are destructive only because others said so. A perfect example of why urban myths and junk science exists and are so popular. The informed learn hard facts and numbers such as summarized here.
You even posted numbers that say normal voltage for any ATX computer is light bulbs at 40% intensity. And did not know what your own numbers were saying. Anybody can view light bulbs to learn how often their voltage is that low. Never? Why would anyone spend money to protect from something that is not destructive and that rarely if ever exists? Advertising? Hearsay? Junk science? Fear?