Speakers not working

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If assuming someone made the simple effort of checking to see if it was plugged into the right place, after going to all the trouble to check the speakers everywhere and anywhere else, before coming in to allow her friend (I was informed he was a friend on my profile page) to showcase his "abilities".......Then yes, I was wrong. I gave someone more credit than was due.
Put it in pics, mate!

This goes in here, and that goes in there....!

The odd thing about this thread is that she said the speakers just quit working (first post)? I,ve just never had a speaker jump out of one port into another and quit working all by itself. It wasnt till post 72 that we learned that she unhooked it and used a vacuum to clean it out. It would have been helpfull if we were informed that she had moved the connections around to start with. Thats not exactly just quit working!
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Hehehe. I was going to keep my mouth shut, but I guess I can now say that I'm not the only one who found the entire circumstance odd... But it did give a certain unmentionable plenty of chance to toot his own horn, bash me and play the "holier than thou" hypocricy card in his blog.

lol. I'm glad I'm not the only one that views the entire thing as "suspicious"... And then I get bashed for posting my lolcats to try and make people laugh. Oh well.. I guess I'll just use my blog to break the forum rules.. RIGHT PC EYE?
Actually, they did "just stop working." They are working now but only through the front ports. I know now that the back port is bad and will need to be replaced. And since none of you all can help me with that (I don't plan on doing it myself), the problem is solved. It needs to be repaired, no reason to continue the thread.

I had no other intention than to find out what was going on with my speakers. I never spoke badly about anyone, ever. Don't think you can lump me in with all the other members who play games on CF, I won't play them. I purposely told you he was a friend, I didn't hide it. And I did it in hopes that all of you, including PC eye would stop the childish nonsense at least on one thread.

One more thing, I never unhooked the speakers till they stopped working. I left everything plugged in when I lightly vacuumed the case out. I never had problems doing that before so I didn't think to post that information up.
cool :) Working on the front is better than not working at all ;) Incidentally, just so you know, when a Dell BIOS goes wonky, it can go REALLY wonky, such that things appear broken or missing. I've run into it numerous times. That would be the difference between experience and search engine hacking.

I've actually seen harddrives appear defective on Dells.. as in.. gone altogether. Resetting the BIOS brought them back again. Just a thought. Because the chances of that plugin being bad are *almost* nil.
Actually, they did "just stop working." They are working now but only through the front ports. I know now that the back port is bad and will need to be replaced. And since none of you all can help me with that (I don't plan on doing it myself), the problem is solved. It needs to be repaired, no reason to continue the thread.

I had no other intention than to find out what was going on with my speakers. I never spoke badly about anyone, ever. Don't think you can lump me in with all the other members who play games on CF, I won't play them. I purposely told you he was a friend, I didn't hide it. And I did it in hopes that all of you, including PC eye would stop the childish nonsense at least on one thread.

One more thing, I never unhooked the speakers till they stopped working. I left everything plugged in when I lightly vacuumed the case out. I never had problems doing that before so I didn't think to post that information up.

What am I missing here?

HippieGirl said:
I tried the speakers in the front and they do not work. But they still work in my other PC. Now what?

lmao. After putting all the pieces together it sure looks like PC eye's last stab at trying to establish credibility.. Of course you two have quite the dialogue going on on his profile, with it absolutely chock full of digs from him related to this thread.

"Stop the childish nonsense, at least in one thread".

Really. By embarking on an ongoing dialogue/bashfest with him in his profile? Is that your idea of stopping the nonsense? I suppose that was just an unrelated coincidence.

Or maybe.. Just maybe.. "Look everyone, PC eye was right about ports, even though I was "careful like always" and even though it's IMPOSSIBLE for a port to go bad and that there's no such thing as a cold solder joint on a rear panel audio header. For a cold solder joint on an almost brand new computer to be a problem, it would have been a problem from the very beginning. It would have been immediately apparent because wiggling it would cause it to cut in and out. There would have to be substantial force on it because any of us that actually knows the difference between a computer and a beer fridge (which rules PC eye out) knows that those things are practically welded on there, the pins are as big around as your spliffs and it would practically take a jack hammer to dislodge one.

It would take a substantial amount of abuse to break the jack itself even. It wouldn't just one day magically stop working.

But ok. PC eye was right about a cold solder joint.

What the hell do you take us for? Just because your "friend" is a fool doesn't mean we are.

Give it up. Back away from the pot. Forget the childish games that you profess you won't get dragged into. You can't kid a kidder and you can't fool a fool. I've been around the block more than once... and I can smell a lump of feces a mile away.

"ports" don't go bad. And unless the nozzle got near enough to the sound chip, and based on both you and PC eye's dialogues, you wouldn't have the first clue where the codec chip was, it would never cause a problem. Simply because you wouldn't get the hose back there on that PC close enough for the electrostatic discharge around the nozzle to affect the chip. The hose would practically have to touch the chip.

And then guess what? If you fried the chip do you know what would happen? Anyone? Anyone?

The front panel wouldn't work either!!!!!

Would you like a picture? Or are you starting to get that you're smoke and mirrors aren't going to work? That despite you professing no desire to play games and get lumped in with idiots like PC eye that do.... YOU ARE!!!!

I realize now that we're all being played for fools. Suddenly this thread, the story changing a dozen times, the impossible suddenly becoming possible, the blatant reality that you didn't follow ANYONE's suggestions, that the story you made up was either crap or you're smoking the same crud PC eye is, and that PC eye is using this in his profile to take potshots at me... and that suddenly what didn't work before magically works now that Praetor mentioned it.. and that afterwards you SUPPOSEDLY want all the arguing to stop (I question, seriously question, whether Praetor's suggestions actually made it start working in the front. I'll bet $50 it didn't)

Not playing games....really. :rolleyes:

Nice try, PC eye. You're still a know-nothing old drunk. The ploy didn't work. If this is the best you've got, along with your hypocritical BS in your profile, your best won't do. While you gather up your buddies and start slamming from your own little cess pool of cyber vomit, I have money to make and a legitimate business to run. It's all mind over matter. I don't mind and you don't bloody matter.

Why is it that some of us give our best to help people and this is what we get in return? Why don't people's expectations at least match their own performance records? If you're going to slam someone else's candle, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea if your's was at least goddamn lit.

And with that I'm out. I'm done. Enough of this stupidity. If I'm going to get jerked around by fools, I at least expect a kiss and a tip.
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I did not see that every time I unplugged the speakers a box popped up telling me so, so the speakers wouldn't turn on because I hadn't "OK"ed the box. But that's what I get for having my 12 year old help when he'd rather be elsewhere.

You came and posted in my thread, no one asked you to. I didn't say that any of your suggestions were bad. I tried them! I did have a problem getting to BIOS but that's not your fault. I placed no blame on anyone. And I had so many people telling me to do so many different things, it got confusing. Not everyone knows what they are doing with a computer.

I did not bash you or anyone else in my messages. Only thing I said was that he and I shouldn't let you know that we were friends. But obviously after thinking it over, I decided it was only fair that you did know. So I sent you a visitor message, telling you we were friends and that I didn't have anything against you. IMHO you replied very nicely, considering the history between the two of you.

That's fine. Nothing wrong with being friends with him. Just don't listen to anything he says about computers. He can lip off all he wants, but he's proven repeatedly that he doesn't know what he's talking about. He's got a couple of people here fooled, but.. meh. Misery loves company as they say.

Personally I could care less where you take your advice from. When he's cost you enough, you'll hopefully exercise enough common sense to say "I like you, but you don't know anything about computers" and leave it at that. I find it disturbing that he claims to be in business. a) Any idiot can claim to be a tech.. and b) the people being ripped off by him are who I feel sorry for.

Blah. All's well that ends well. Hopefully he will disappear for good next time.

* Report

05-20-2008 10:46 PM
Just wanted to let you know that I am friends with PC eye but when it comes to advice I am open-minded. So I hope I didn't offend you with any of my comments. I was just trying to lighten things up.

And I do appreciate your help ... :)

I wasn't playing games. I tried to explain in my post where I was coming from but you chose to read it differently. That's fine, I tried. Won't try anymore. I have disabled the visitor message thing. I won't be a part of a forum with so much animosity and distrust among it's members.
Did someone just get pwned?

Just for everyone's amusement.. My network cards (nVIDIA) stopped working on my Striker Extreme the other day. They were detected, but wouldn't communicate whatsoever. Wireless worked, however.

Know what the solution was? You guessed it. Reset the BIOS by the jumper and reboot... Guess what? The onboard NICs started working again. This was just five minutes ago that I finally got around to fixing it.

So.. Ummm. To the PC eye/HippieGirl show.. Nice try..but..umm.. You got served HARDCORE.

See y'all. That's it for me. Just thought I would share to the PC eye ship of fools a real life story...and that PC eye really is an old fool that is not only a hypocrite, but he doesn't know what he's doing around computers either.
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