I think I am paying for either 20 or 30 down with 3 up and its okay I rekon. Still waiting for the availability to get 50 down 5 up which is the fastest internet in our county.
And we're paying for 6 down. Stupid ISP signed too many people on to their connection or whatever and this is what I get. I would call and complain but they couldn't do anything about it anyways.
Nice one,Don't forget they're upping the speeds soon so yours should be 60mb.
Not looking forward to when they put the prices right up after though,I can just see it coming.
Im already paying £37.25 a month,I'm trying to get a TV package deal + Internet with them at the moment,Doubt they will give us any offers though.
Been a long serving customer doesn't really mean anything to VM.
i don't know how to paste pic here, results- download-7.60mbs- upload.82mbs
ping 75ms- graded as "C" faster than 51% of canada- i am from a wireless router about 20ft away