where are you guys getting all these crazy speeds from,
I got our internet connected at the new place but it's on an 8Mbit ADSL port instead of an ADSL2+ 24Mbit port... good news is that our line is up to scratch and syncs exactly at 8160kbps/384kbps every time... Rock solid stable, too
Same speed and hardware as what i'm on Linkin 8000kbps/384 it does the job and i can wait for the NBN anyway.
At least your upload is decent xD
My ISP's online bill payment is not working so I was not able to renew my internet connection so, I gave them a call and they provided with me with a 5 hour top-up,it is so unfair since there is a problem with their website and why do I have to suffer for that without internet for the next 7-8 hours till they come and collect my bill money. And on top of that they give me a 100kbit bandwidth