Funky, if you get to keep it, consider it indirect compensation for that dude that burned you in our FS section awhile back.
nah you'll just break it like you did with your gtx285 lol
lol no its xfx... its the highest clocked one i could find!
why would it come in an xfx box with stickers on it saying xfx?
what like nothing lol
They have 3 models i think,the 4890,4890xt and 4890 XXX.
I have the stanadard 4890,But overclocked past XXX speeds.
headcrabcake was his tag, he was trying to sell it on another forum and when i alerted them they banned me lol,
i only clicked once, account overview would show all transactions and it only shows one lol.....
I only intended to buy one as i already have one!
dam i havent got a 3rd pci-e slot
i cant remember what site it was, i couldnt care!