Prevent people from getting on my computer


VIP Member
Like many here, your PC is one of your most prized possessions. It's like that one room your Dad has full of classic antiques that he keeps locked so no one will go in and mess with stuff. That's how I want my computer.

I want it so that no one will get on it and start screwing around. Would it be best to just put a password on my account? or is there another/better way of doing it? I don't have a lock on my bedroom door, so that's not an option.

I'm not sure which windows version you are running, but you can password protect your windows accounts. Below are some guides for XP and Vista.

Once protected you can just hit ctrl+alt+deleted to lock your workstation or start logoff.

You can also password protect your bios, so your can't even get into the windows loading screen with out a password. The below link will be a guide, but your bios interface may vary
is there any reason you think a password would be insufficient.

I built a pin box which attached to my psu a few years ago. You have to enter the correct pin to turn the machine on. Fairly simple PIC device if you know electronics that is ;)
is there any reason you think a password would be insufficient.

I built a pin box which attached to my psu a few years ago. You have to enter the correct pin to turn the machine on. Fairly simple PIC device if you know electronics that is ;)

Well, I've just heard multiple ways that people can still get into your account even if it's password protected.

Wow, that pin box would be great for me! So it doesn't allow you to even turn on your PC without entering in the code? Where can I get one or get the stuff to make one? I know a fair bit of electronics so I might be able to build one if it's not to complicated.
Well, I've just heard multiple ways that people can still get into your account even if it's password protected.

Wow, that pin box would be great for me! So it doesn't allow you to even turn on your PC without entering in the code? Where can I get one or get the stuff to make one? I know a fair bit of electronics so I might be able to build one if it's not to complicated.
Locking power switch/locking case also works. Or just invest in a lock for your door:P Something else that could work would be a hidden toggle switch on the power line.
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I'd say your best bet would be to just flick the switch at the back of your PSU, as long as the person isn't tech-savy they probably wouldn't figure it out. Works for me every time.
i would not worry about it to much. password protect and learn about or at least something about local security policy. Maybe i will talk about something else later. does not seem to be much interest here. WOL Wake on lan.
want another challenge? try waking the computer from another state or your next door neighbors house. turn the computer on.

sorry, i deviated off the original question. ya just got me think in again.
How about setting a system password where you need to enter it before system will boot. Look in the bios for the option to set it.
You could give TrueCrypt a go. It'll encrypt your PC for free so's that you get a password when you power up the machine and even if someone took the hard disk out of the machine and put it in their's they wouldn't be able to get at any of the data.

I've tried it in the past and it doesn't seem to slow things down but if it does you can remove the encryption.

I always take an image of my PC before trying things like that as a complete safeguard.
I don't have a lock on my bedroom door, so that's not an option.

do you share a room? you're old enough to get a job, locks aren't that expensive either. helped me keep peoples out of my computers. they can have teh P3, but my multi-cores are mine only :D
do you share a room? you're old enough to get a job, locks aren't that expensive either. helped me keep peoples out of my computers. they can have teh P3, but my multi-cores are mine only :D
I rent the place and the landlord won't let me put a lock on my door. It looks like I'll just be password protecting my PC. It should hold up.
what i do is i just unplug the motherboard cable from the psu and put the sid eback on. Takes all of 30 seconds.
A while back, friend had a password on his laptop. So I restarted his computer, hit
F8, and it booted up in safe mode. The administrator account appeared, and it didn't
have a password. I went right in -- and by the way, administrator can see all files.
I removed the password from his limited account.

Next thing he knows, I'm using his laptop. He was like - how the f*** did you get in???
A while back, friend had a password on his laptop. So I restarted his computer, hit
F8, and it booted up in safe mode. The administrator account appeared, and it didn't
have a password. I went right in -- and by the way, administrator can see all files.
I removed the password from his limited account.

Next thing he knows, I'm using his laptop. He was like - how the f*** did you get in???

That is because on default factory loads there is no admin password on machines and if you skip setting one during set up guess what, its blank. Windows security for ya :rolleyes:

Look, no matter what you do if they have physical access your machine is theirs. I don't care what methods you use to secure your machine if I have physical access then I have access to it completely, unless you encrypt everything and put a password on the encryption, but that leaves so much to be desired and has it's own quirks. Plus if your file system goes awry while encrypted good bye all of your data, and data recovery is typically almost 100% not possible.

So, here is the best thing you can do. Put a password on it and create maybe a guest account with limited options. Lock it down and then talk to your roommates and just be up front with them that you want them to respect your privacy and your equipment.

Do not encrypt your computer that is just ridiculous and would you really want to encrypt a file system for an OS (assuming you are running windows) that is known to crash when updating a driver? I mean file system corruption on encrypted file systems none of your disk tools work because it can't read the file system because it is freaking encrypted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With them having physical access there is not much you can do trust me. As a system administrator to all of our mobile users (6,000 of them) at my work which they take the laptops home and off campus, puts me in a position where I can't secure everything in absolutes. This is because the users have physical access to the machines, and they also go off campus which means all my networking magic that I conjure up all day every day from group policies, MCX refreshes and shell scripts I write that execute as log in and log out hooks are nil if it is not on my network.

That being said, the very best advice anyone can give, and no one has yet, is to talk with your roommates and set boundaries. This is going to be the best way to handle others using your computer.

Now, I can also recommend perhaps some security software that will log key strokes, monitor user account activity, web browsing and such so on and so forth if you want to track what they do with your computer. Then you can just bust them on it. If you live with roommates you can't trust you need to get new roommates.
wat about thumb reader -- my m8s got one :P

Physical access trumps it. All I would have to do is boot off of media and I can root your machine. You can lock the BIOS and even physically lock your case, but my bolt cutters clip through 1/4" steel so that still wouldn't stop me.
just take the power cord from the computer with you when you leave the room

Yes because you can't buy a power cord anywhere for a few dollars, and then lets say you get home and left your power cord at work/school and now you can't use your computer.

The best way no matter what anyone says is to talk to your roommates.