post your Photoshop art here

That would be a cool thing to see...I'm totally moving to canada.
One night about a year and a half (i think, somewhat recently anyway) ago there was a lights show the ran all the way to colorado. It was neat to watch them dance, they weren't very colourful though, only red with a little green. Still cool though.
simple ipod style ad
A simple little letterhead type thing I made for my little video/photography business. I cut some of the info out for obvious reason :rolleyes: And sorry if it seems small. It was original around 2400x600 or so :P
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lost in space

This features a photo of the moon through a telescope, a shot of the cemetary at the San Francisco Presidio, a shot of mono lake in the High Sierras, and a star shot through a high power telescope. I used Corel Photopaint since I like the masking feature better than photoshop. I own photoshop and use it for layering artworks.


  • lost in space.jpg
    lost in space.jpg
    93.2 KB · Views: 165
This features a photo of the moon through a telescope, a shot of the cemetary at the San Francisco Presidio, a shot of mono lake in the High Sierras, and a star shot through a high power telescope. I used Corel Photopaint since I like the masking feature better than photoshop. I own photoshop and use it for layering artworks.

It looks pretty cool. You might consider cropping the image where the black voids are (left and right bottom). Consider also using the clone tool where you see the lines in the sky from attaching the image, Also there is a black void right side of the moon that you can use the clone tool to repair. It looks pretty cool and keep up the good work.
The blue background stuff was annoying me, so I just stopped before I did something to ruin it. I might fiddle with it later, but I'm working on an Elena Katina one now.

And hells, if you could call those two crushes, then hellz ya, I do.
Almost ever fan of theirs has an undying crush.

Just some other things I did when I was bored.
This one has a typo that I need to go back and fix, Should be "tebya" from what I was told.
If wanted, I can post the pictures used for that one to see the differences?

And another t.A.T.u.
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I dunno, just, random things I made, Sigs or not. I was just having fun.

HAHA. I found something I made at school last year with Macromedia Fireworks:

It was put together pretty quickly.
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when i see all these pic's.. i feel really unartistic.. at least with photoshop... somehow it all ends up like its made in paint :(