I think OpenSuse is much better than Ubuntu imo.
I think OpenSuse is much better than Ubuntu imo.
could you post a link to where you got your themes
May I ask in what way?
At the moment I'm finding it pretty much like any distro using KDE except for the menu system which I can't decide whether I like or not.
kde has a whole new 3D look coming out soon which is going to be awesome.
I use Suse KDE 10.2 at school and i kinda like ubuntu better, though i have not messed with the appearance properties much. I wonder if i can since i dont have and admin accound. Is there a live version of Suse. I wanna mess around with it but i am happy with Ubuntu so i dont want to install it to try it.
i use Ubuntu, as i prefer the gnome look (mac like) instead of KDE (windows like)
The thing with ubuntu, when you first install it, it looks all horrible, dull and brown. With a few simple tweaks you can make it look very nice.
Ubuntu is very nice, and if i dident have windows i would use it. the thing is though, i do have windows, and it does everything (nearly) that ubuntu can + more and with a lot less hassle. I am a fan of Linux and ubuntu, but im still sticking with windows.
Props to cromewell for this image on page 5