Post Your Desktop "Background screenshot"


Back when i used to customise my desktop. It's my best work :).
Cleaned my desktop up and added a slideshow.. Not liking the desktop background aspect of Win10, and how you can't "randomize" the photos. Had to name them all myself to get the order I want.

For now it's filled with photography I wish I took, and over time will slowly become only my photos :)

Dat BRZ. Except that the back wheels are tucked up in the fender. I'm fine with lowered cars. But as soon as you change the camber I'm noping out of there.
Your desktops are all so serious and cool... and mine is a potato. :P

Here you go, my laptop desktop because my PC is crying at the moment :) :

Yes, I'm very anti-icon... which apparently makes everyone crazy. (It gets cluttered in a span of 2 weeks... don't worry) :P
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Just wanted to know what everyone thought about this pivotal scene. I have not read more than a bit of the first book. No spoilers plz/cfdsktp.png
Nice and clean desktop running on my 50 inch TV. Hard to think that this computer is 7 years old :eek:

I absolutely LOVE London! I live in Norwich which is about 100 miles away from London, but everytime I approach London on the M11 or on the train to London Liverpool Street and I see the skyscrapers in the City and Canary Wharf I always feel like coming home for some reason, even though I've never lived in London.
Seems like we really need to make the stickies more obvious so new members can find them easily, @johnb35.

Unfortunately, we needed to clean up all the stickies so the forum didn't look so cluttered. Right now there is one sticky with all the others listed inside of it. We just need to come up with a better solution so there are noticeable better. We have already noticed this and trying to come up with a solution.