Post Your Desktop "Background screenshot"

You can. Just upload it in a photo sharing site like Picasa web, copy the pictures link address, and pres the yellow image icon and paste the image link in the prompt.
Clean install today.


It took so long to upload this picture and get it posted. I also noticed when I clicked add picture, A picture of the VB icon appeared on the add picture link prompt.
I am not at my computer right now so I cannot show you my desktop background since I am still working on my main UAC data complex center working environment,but I can show you the exact picture I am using for my desktop background already for YEARS and still never changed it lol:

By looking at all these pictures,I just realized that ALMOST nobody uses Windows XP anymore lol.Everyone uses AT LEAST Windows 7.
By looking at all these pictures,I just realized that ALMOST nobody uses Windows XP anymore lol.Everyone uses AT LEAST Windows 7.

Family still use XP daily here on two computers,Still does its job just fine. :)

Both of those desktops have SSDs installed too,XP flys on a SSD. :D
By looking at all these pictures,I just realized that ALMOST nobody uses Windows XP anymore lol.Everyone uses AT LEAST Windows 7.

Maybe because XP is old and doesn't run too great on modern hardware and we mostly have high-end machines with modern hardware...
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