Post Your Desktop "Background screenshot"


I cant see how you can use your PC without icons on the desktop. They are my life line. I cant put all of mine on the taskbar as I only have a 1366x768 screen :/

Ah you see, I have a 1920x1080 monitor which is wide enough to have a lot of items on the quick launch. ;) I put all of my frequently used programs on the quick launch and stuff that I have but don't use that often I access from the start menu or from Run usually. :)
I still don't know whether I have got the calculations for the RAM sizes correct though. You have 16GB not 15.7GB or whatever it says. I divide the bytes by 1073741824 to get it into GB, but I don't know whether the intiger returned is usable RAM or total. Its quite complex considering I know nothing about VB.NET.
It's fine I think Ashley. According to dxdiag I have 16384 MB of RAM, and that doesn't necessarily mean I have 16.3GB. :)

Three different monitor resolutions certainly makes things interesting.

My 1280x1024 is in portrait mode and I use it for web browsing. You'd actually be surprised at how well it works. I really feel like I need to put it on the right side, though, because it just seems to feel more natural to have it on my right side.
Sorry for the double post, just realized the reply
nice drawing skills

Cheers! I drew that out by hand on Photoshop by hand. Took me about 30 minutes to do the entire thing. Photoshop Elements 7 too. I love using Photoshop to design stuff. The background was based on an image I found on Google, I drew a shape like it on PSE, coloured it in, blurred it (separate layer to the picture) and then desaturated it slightly before adding an effect on to darken the outside. The cat is actually three layers. One for the black outline, one for the shades of colour (it looks more natural than piling it onto one layer) and one for the shadow beneath the cat. Just a burned grey. The colour of the cat was made by two shades, which were then dodged and burnt in areas to give the effect of light.

Most of the time, I like to recreate storm scenes, or nebulas (I did a long blog post on how to do it here) I love space and storms (tornadoes and super cells) like in America, but we don't get any good weather like that over here. Depressing really.
You used a picture like this one in the tourney 'long exposure' right? I voted for it :)
Nice shot!

Travis didn't take that particular shot (see his post above), but he has taken long exposure shots of waterfalls a bit like it before which are very good. :)
Since AMD have now got their drivers for Windows 8 x64 straight, I can use Photoshop in Windows 8 again. :)




I have a lot of organizing to do and in some folders I have my old files I had all over my Desk Top.. I got a 1TB almost full along with additional 500GB full of data.. I maybe have tons of viruses on this laptop that I do not know about heck lol.