Post Your Desktop "Background screenshot"

My latest. I took that photo tonight. It's a close up of the green LEDs on a traffic light (but taken with incandescent white balance so the LEDs look blue). What do you think?

ahh well it was actually a light on a self-automated level crossing, and it was on a really quiet road, so I got my camera right up close to the LEDs. :) The LEDs were at about the same height as me.

I didn't think to take a photo of the crossing, so here it is on Google StreetView. I circled the lights.


just went up to it and got a shot. :D
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just finished two semesters of java at uni. and getting ready to start android dev'ing. i like to keep my desktop clean; this is on my acer laptop:

Yawn.... so many boring (only around 1/2) desktops. Were is the flair? Rocketdock, changed start icon, gadgets, taskbar changed to small?

Everybody has their own taste. Not everybody here is a 12 year old and likes 'modded' desktops etc.
Everybody has their own taste. Not everybody here is a 12 year old and likes 'modded' desktops etc.

i find it distracting to have a bunch of icons and flare on my desktop, especially at work. can't ever find what i need and end up going through start menu anyways.

also, not putting all that extra load on the laptop, helps with boot up times & battery life; considering my laptop is nothing special.
Yawn.... so many boring (only around 1/2) desktops. Were is the flair? Rocketdock, changed start icon, gadgets, taskbar changed to small?

Used to use ObjectDock all the time, and when I had XP I had modified themes all the time. That got old for me :cool: