New Member
Eww Vista!
yes it annoying constantly asking u "are u sure???"
Eww Vista!
I really like you desktops Rambo, there's something about the Mac, it just looks really nice. Simple, neat, but still something you like to look at. It's very nice
where'd you get the icons and stuff for this? that firefox icon looks wicked on your dock.
I never really messed with anything on OS X grahpically, but I have done a lot under the hood unix work though.
Yeah, I didn't start to customize all the icons until a few days ago. Turned out pretty well though.
For the folders, I used the Agua Iconset:
For the drives, I used the G5 System Iconset:
As for the wallpaper, I can post that up if you want it.
- Rambo.
Oh, and the FireFox Icon:
ah, I figured you got the icon from Deviant. They have great icons!
dude thats ssssiiiccck
I've made some tweaks to my desktop. I added the desktop calendar as well as desktunes.
Ah, wow. That's a very interesting wallpaper you got there. It's good though. The theme is brown though. It's interesting. Not horrible, but nothing I would pick