Post Tech You Admire (design wise)

I really like the look of some of the new Nvidia cards.
Yeah they are awesome. I want one over the one I'm planning to get, but I guess with those extra high quality materials comes a extra cost :P
This week my dear people believe it or not,S.T.A.R.S. is finally going to buy himself something NEW for a change.It's the cheapest,but brand new laptop and I must say that for a cheapest laptop the specifications are pretty good actually.(Definetely better than my 15 years old main computer lol).
Here is how it looks like and I really like the design...and it's cheapest price too hehehe :D:




Doesn't matter. It's not an Elitebook, so it's not good quality.

I wouldn't necessarily say that. My father sells HP laptops and desktops and they appear to be well-built. Been selling them for years without any issues. If you don't drop them down a flight of stairs they'll be fine.
HP 2000? I've seen so many of those at my work...

I am sure you did lol.
But like I was the CHEAPEST,but BRAND NEW laptop I could possibly find in my country lol.I wasn't looking to buy one outside Croatia...

What kind of spec? :)

I will take a look and let you know.

Doesn't matter. It's not an Elitebook, so it's not good quality.

Like I already said to Mr. is the brand new,BUT THE CHEAPEST laptop I could possibly find in Croatia to buy.So it can't be the best lol...

...If you don't drop them down a flight of stairs they'll be fine.

There are laptops which can survive when they are dropped down the stairs?! :eek:
That would be pretty cool hahaha!
Let's play FIFA 2014. on REALITY!
Hahaha! :D

Anyway...I could have found even cheaper laptop here in Croatia,but then it wouldn't be brand new...
So for a brand new AND cheapest laptop I could have possibly find in my country,I would say it's pretty good.
Besides...if I am able to accomplish absolutely anything on my super 15 years old main computer (except for playing the most modern games) then things will fly on this cheapest laptop I will get this week lol. :rolleyes:


Crazy to think that that HUGE calculator can now fit in our pocket. And then you remember that that thing in your pocket can also talk to anyone in the world, communicate with satellites IN SPACE, download huge amounts of data in the blink of an eye... It just blows my mind.

The calculator is about 40 years old. 40 years is a long time, but considering the human timeline is thousands of years long.... Makes me realize that we're accelerating towards bigger and better advancements in tech faster than anyone would have possibly imagined 40 years ago.

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