im rebuilding my file server this weekend, codename: BlackMesa
pardon the crappy fonepix.
first i took out most of the components and cleaned it out real good:
a few upgrades, including a new samsung f3 1tb drive:
i also got rid of the generic psu for a modular CM:
also swapped the old sata 150 card for a 3gb one. i'll probably miss the e-sata port on the old card... or i might add it later, i still got TWO pci port left
i love this mobo
here you can see the CF card with ide adapter. i also tried running the golden orb sans fan, but it's about 10 degrees hotter, so i put it back on, even though it makes a whining noise.
running two NICs and a usb2.0 card that i've yet to configure in FreeNAS.
i'll be adding my WD 1tb drive and few other 250s later this weekend.
i also have to fix the nic settings, i'm only getting about 200kbps over wired lan