Post A Pic Of Your Pc Here :)

Here she is...
Thats right! you gotta love them NZXT Apollo cases instead! ;)

I smell sarcasm

j/k :P

@ Xeqtr

I like how you have 2 computers with keyboard and mouse and everything on the same desk looks professional! ;) And BTW, can you solve that rubik's cube I see??

yeah i can solve a rubiks cube but not in record time, but i wasnt done with it when i took the pic.
you can also see a shadow of me in the tv
Haha I see you! :P

Whats your best solving time? My highest record is like 3 minutes 50 seconds or something like that... I think I posted a thread about it before :rolleyes:

BTW: what operative system are you running?
The Rubiks cube is actually solved by an arithmetic formula. I was able to solve any cube in under 30 seconds once I had it memorized. Thing is, that was almost 25 years ago now. I couldn't remember it now if you paid me to.
^ Man that was an excellent time! It sucks you can't do it anymore.

I use different algorhythms to change location or direction of individual cubes (kinda)
The Rubiks cube is actually solved by an arithmetic formula. I was able to solve any cube in under 30 seconds once I had it memorized. Thing is, that was almost 25 years ago now. I couldn't remember it now if you paid me to.

I friend of mine she collects rubiks cubes and she can do them amazingly fast. I think she is like rain-man.
The Rubiks cube is actually solved by an arithmetic formula. I was able to solve any cube in under 30 seconds once I had it memorized. Thing is, that was almost 25 years ago now. I couldn't remember it now if you paid me to.

Wow, that is so cool! I couldn't even get close!
I'm getting my Antec 900 and Tuniq Tower LED pretty soon! I'll get pictures up! :D
Looking farward to seeing them danny :)Heres my new rig,damn the 8800GT is massive:D,the cooler on it is bigger than my cpu cooler you can see my case isnt the best but it was a case my cousin has and he gave it me so im gonna mod a side window in it.ignore fingerprints on case,havnt cleaned it yet:Dedit:piccys back up in a seconly the were massive
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Welcome to the next generation Shane, I have a similar rig and it plays COD4 beatutifully :P.

Tks mate,

heres pics





I just gave COD4 demo a blast and ohh wow what can i say its definatly getting COD4.
downloading Crysis atm.
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