Photo comp - Lightning/Fireworks

yeh im going to a giant peice of card board to stick bits of paper to it, its really big thats why i wont be back till 7 :P

its not like in America ;)

its just an alternate version of the last two years of high school

i do photography an spelling ain't my strong point
heres mine
Dang....and I thought we would only have 7 entries...

Hehe, do we really even need a poll? I think we all know who the winner will be......


Cosine, would you mind resizing that image to 800x600?
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Cosine, that is very, very good. Just as well I never had one to start with otherwise I would have come in last as usual.
sorry im tiered aka not paying attention :confused:

right will sort this out tomorrow i promise been rather busy today :(