Opinions on my part list?

I have bought multiple 850 evos over the last couple of years and have been very satisfied. They seem to be very popular and reliable. The extra couple dollars was worth it to be comfortable with the build.

How is the quality of that PSU? I have only used evga and Corsair so I don't have much experience with thermaltake.
How is the quality of that PSU? I have only used evga and Corsair so I don't have much experience with thermaltake.
I have a Thermatake Smart 650w PSU in the Beast and I love it. Nice quiet unit and it performs worlds better than the Cougar PSU that I had before.

Idk, it doesn't have any reviews on it..
I revised the list again, go look. It still has the thermaltake psu on it cause I'm looking around at different psu units.
Well the corsair tx550m is on sale right now, after Mir is cheaper than the thermaltake.

It's got a 7 year warranty, 80+ Gold rating, and is semi modular.
Haven't read the whole thread but can you not reuse the old PSU.

The Corsair mentioned is a great PSU but you seem interested in saving money so figured I'd ask.
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