On a level of 1-10, what is your skill level with computers?

[-0MEGA-];456225 said:
Now if were talking 1 being the average person who only knows how to open Word, 5 being Bill Gates, and 10 being the Einstein of computers, I would say i'm around a 3.

nonono.... 1=Word user, 5=Bill Gates, 10=Preator :P

Average humen scale:
about 7.5-8, depends on the situation

above mentioned scale, about a 3
It really depends on what you're talking about. For the most part...maybe a 3-4. There are a few things I am pretty confident in, but an even greater number of things I couldn't even begin to understand.

Seriously, it's like asking someone "how smart are you?" Well..."smart" in what regard? Am I good in math? Is my GPA high? Or can I come up with a cure for all cancer? "smart" is a VERY general term...you need to specify.
I'd say my skill's rather low. I mean look at how broad of a topic we're talking about here! You have networking, programming, hardware, software, video, audio, CAD... Man, the list can go on and on. And when you know a PC in and out, what about Macintosh, or SUN... What about Windows/Solaris/Unix/Mac OS/Linux... What about older computers?

I guess about 5 or 6. I know:
*hardware in and out and I've learned a good bit about other systems
*some programming(C++, Java, HTML)
*networking(mostly common LAN stuff, and a little Cisco and high end encription)
*video editing
I would say im a 3-4. My main problem is I have no money to buy new stuff and figure out. Before I came here, I didnt know how to build a computer, where to buy parts even, so I bought a prebuilt computer. If I could afford a new computer, Im sure I could build it, and even OC it. But I have no money so I dont know. :P
I'd say in the grand scheme of things..., about a 6. I know the most in these areas:

General Software issues
some Video Card/driver issues
some Sound Card/speaker issues
some Video/Audio editing
some Networking
some Digital Camera
and a pretty good bit about Dreamweaver and other website design software
rating your self must depend on your field, if you know alot on computers and your a biology student or someting else you must be preety good. then you can rate your self 10.
I don't want to rate myself but in all fairness a 10 being Praetor is a bit much. He knows a lot but I don't think anyone can be a 10, even a 9 is pushing it.

That said, I'll take an 11 :P

seriously, maybe a 7.
I don't want to rate myself but in all fairness a 10 being Praetor is a bit much. He knows a lot but I don't think anyone can be a 10, even a 9 is pushing it.

That said, I'll take an 11 :P

seriously, maybe a 7.

no one I think here can be a 10, if your a 10 you must be good at anything on computers and by using that talent you must be so rich already you have all these jobs and wont have time for forums.:D
I would say i'm about a 5-6.
I know hardware
some progamming html, VB, java
and some digital pictures and video editing
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if your a 10 you must be good at anything on computers and by using that talent you must be so rich already you have all these jobs and wont have time for forums
Not really. Paper knowledge (anything that isn't proven at a given job) is very nearly useless.

I guess my post isn't that clear I rated myself at a 7, the 11 was a joke. or maybe I'm just taking your response as a direct to mine when it's only partially to mine.
With software, maybe a 6. 8 with hardware, and about 3 with programming. So average those, and I'm a 5.666.
about 3-4

I can solve most general problems myself but when it comes to the hardware side of things im a little stumped:D