AA; I was at one time in life a commercial photographer shooting pictures for catalougs, jewelry and such. I used a Canon F1 and a Nikon F (F1?), donremember, a senior moment here. Now I have a Pentax ZX-5 and a Canon EOS Rebel G in addition to 2 olympus digi's. I use cameras evryday in my work so need cameras and backup cameras as I am a long way from anywhere if one breaks down on me. I much prefer the slr's for artistry and picture quality but have become very addictive to the digi's cuz I can lighten or darken to show exactly what I want my customers to see. No composition needed in my work. I can also adjust the colors if in a poor light situation and flashes might not be appropriate wherever I am. Sooo I like both, they both have their place. For personal use, SLR, for work Digiman. I do get a kick out the big bragging rights to mega pixels cause they take up so much space on the sticks and on the puter so I always set mine at lower settings, so why should I buy something more expensive if I cant use the added perforemance, lot like a computer, build or buy what you need, the rest is just nice to have and necer use.
Sorry I planned a 2 cents worth but gave you all a quarters worth, just dont know when to stop, you should see me in person or on the phone.