*Official* Post Your Pictures Thread

Justin, those shots are awesome, man!

Sorry for spammin' it up, I took a load today :P







My girl :)


Thanks, man. Yeah, I had to use manual focus on them all, the lens doesn't have autofocus.

I really like that last one, man. The colours are great!

I thought so, good job focusing on the bird in flight. I would of missed it for sure. I'm just now getting used to manual focus myself. Mostly just, because my macro lens is manual focus only(when in macro mode).

Thanks, I almost made it B&W, but really liked how the colors make it pop.
My first attempt at star trails.

1308sec or 21min and 8sec exposure at ISO 100

569sec or 9mins and 48sec exposure at ISO 200

I forgot to change my setting so the first one is in B&W, but I applied a Magenta color filter in Photoshop to give it some color.
Woah. They look awesome, man! Is it hard to do?

Nah it isn't hard, just time consuming. e.g. For a 10min exposure there will also be 10mins of processing in camera, so that's a total of 20mins for one photo. I'm not sure but I think if you turn long exposure NR off, it want take so long to process. Also better have a remote, or shutter release, unless you wanna hold the shutter button, and be really still:P

BTW I love that second one.

Some from today. Curious on how to do it read this http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiment/00000066





More on my flickr, just click the link in my sig.
awesome shots guys! love the photos by the beach, Danny. I wish I lived somewhere nice. I live in the city and there isn't anything worth photographing from where I'm from. Every nice place is a 2-3 hour drive away.

just took this with my mobile phone (Nokia 6760) while driving.
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Tried shooting water drops today. It was a lot harder then I would of thought. Getting focus was almost impossible, and I like to think I'm pretty decent with manual focus, as that is what I use for 90% of my photos. Anyways it didn't go as a planed, out of 700+ photos, I got 1 good one, and 2 ok ones. I was hoping for at least a really good one, but not enough light(to slow of shutter speed) plus trouble focusing made it impossible.

Heres what I got.



It isn't the easiest type of shooting, but you're quite close.
What I really like about those shots is the color, you have that down pat.

I found if you use some item before hand to focus that it helps a LOT.
For instance:
It isn't the easiest type of shooting, but you're quite close.
What I really like about those shots is the color, you have that down pat.

I found if you use some item before hand to focus that it helps a LOT.
For instance:

I been playing with food coloring a lot lately, amazing what you can do with that stuff:D

I was using the dropper as a focusing point. As you know though when your that close to something there is a very small margin of what is in focus. I little off on the spot, and you miss it. I'm defiantly going to try again tomorrow though. I'm hoping to get somebody to help me, that way I can stay behind the camera, and adjust focus as I need to. Also I was using too wide an aperture on those(so not much is in focus to start with), at around f5-5.6, but it was either that or a slower shutter speed.

Thanks for the advice, you gave me a good idea of putting something stationary. That way I will have something to aim for, and will have a general area of focus. Great photo BTW, good timing on that one.
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Tried the water drops again today. Did a little better, but still can't get it tack sharp like I want. I will wait to I get a flash before I try again.



Well I decided to try one more time, cause my friend game me some good advice. That I should do it indoors, that way the natural light from outside doesn't affect my photos. So I tried it, and guess what it worked perfect.





