*Official* Post Your Pictures Thread

I took a ton of pics at an aquarium yesterday, this is my favorite.. I have the original plus my edited one.



OOooh man you have to tell me how you made it look like that
OOooh man you have to tell me how you made it look like that
I went into photoshop and used a grayscale copy of that pic and put it in Hard Light mode on top of the colored pic. There are a few other things I did to the picture but that was the main effect.
Hey Ben, may I suggest you to underexpose your second one a little? (I hope this is how you say it :p)

Same for Dapip.

They seemed a little overexposed.

Those are very nice pictures Ben by the way!!!
Went to Myrtle Beach for a couple days, took over 1000 pics in 2 days. Here are some interesting ones.


Alligator apparently had an itch...



this Gharial had to be at least 20 feet, he appeared to top 20 feet but being under water, I'm not sure. They said the last time they weighed him, he was 1600 lbs but it had been a while since their last weighing so he was most likely even heavier.


This is Utan, he is the largest crocodile exhibited in America. He is 20 feet long and over 2000 lbs. He may be heavier but the Gharial above, looked longer.

These pics are from Brookgreen Gardens, an old slave plantation converted into a massive garden. It has amazing sculptures and scenery. I spent 6 hours in this place and still didn't see everything it had to offer. Here is the google map link, this place is huge.


Geese walking up to a statue.

They jumped in the water and I just loved the composition of this image.

This was Dionysus, just one of the hundreds and hundreds of statues that dot the gardens.

Also, if you don't know about Myrtle Beach, it is one of the best vacation spots on the east coast.
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