*Official* Post Your Pictures Thread

I decided to up into Canada yesterday, so here are a few photos:


Canada Border!






those pics reminded me about how cars in north america suck.

I used to live in Canada, but I live in Poland now.

Now I remember how most of it is ugly lol :p
Poland is nice but the roads SUCK!
Exactly. This was taken directly from Wikipedia:

Poland has a poorly developed infrastructure of roads and expressways by Western European standards. There are very few main expressways (autostrady, singular - autostrada), some express roads with lower speed limits than motorways but with many of their features, and an extensive network of roads (almost all of them single lane) connecting all major cities.

[-0MEGA-];1121837 said:
Exactly. This was taken directly from Wikipedia:

Poland has a poorly developed infrastructure of roads and expressways by Western European standards. There are very few main expressways (autostrady, singular - autostrada), some express roads with lower speed limits than motorways but with many of their features, and an extensive network of roads (almost all of them single lane) connecting all major cities.


Yeah there not great, especially the fact that trains take less time to get to the capital from my hometown then by car!
I have one but I don't bother posting anything...
I did these for an architecture brief for collage

ps. do everyone a favour and break the pic links in the quote :P

You're no fun... :P

ps. 'tis done! I just thought everyone might want to see your awesome photos again!