*Official COD4 Clan*

We don't have Pam4 on the normal server... Hmmm.

That's the normal server... I just went on it without any problems, didn't have to DL anything, and there isn't Pam4 on there.

Try adding it to your favorites again? :)
Members of the cfclan please check the vwar section on the website for information on up and coming clan wars, click the next action tab
yeh you can join the clan ,go to this website www.cfclan.co.uk and join it when you have finished the joining process a moderator will send you a welcome pm containing information about the cfclan.
The cfclans main server will be used with the pam4 mod on nights when we are playing other clans, and on the odd ocasion the pam4 mod will be running on the server to test the stubility of the mod. Pam4 is a competition mod that evens out the playing field and is used by most competition ladders and this is an area of play we will be exploring in the up and coming months.
when we are playing a competition the cfclan server will run a different password so only members of the clan that have signed up for the game will have access to the password. if you want to be part of the competition play you will need to join the vwar section on the website and there is also an official thread on the forum that you will need to post your details in. This part of the clan is closing soon so be quick.
hey guys. for some reason i am having lots of trouble making an account on the clans website. i made my account and all, but i cant sign in and have not received an e-mail (not sure if i was supposed to, like most forums.)
There's been many problems reported with the website. You need to talk to Meanman about website problems since he's the website host.