November Folding Marathon

so is folding cpu or gpu intensive, cuz mine is going so f'ing slow.

CPU intensive, unless you're running a GPU client. If you want to increase speed, bring the bar up to the right and it will raise the priority; otherwise it is set to fold at the lowest priority.
my GT 240 gets 1765 points in the same amount of time my HD 5770 gets 1022 guess i know what card i'm using xD
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folding now, but idk for how long. Will try and have it on for as long as possible as often as possible :D
It started 7 hours and 37 minutes ago! At the end of Saturday, we'll see who folded the most!

If you still want to fold, it's never too late to join in!
Donkey bollocks, got the time difference all messed up, folding now on gtx 260 and ps3.

I have changed the particpant name to crayonmuncher but just in case it might be under my old name innercx
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mine's core_a4. but god mine is so slow, got a good number of hours in this thing and only at 117---, aka 7%, why must my computer suck so much
I have now rigged up my HD4670 as my main video card and I have my GTX 260 dedicated to folding. Have them both in the same board, was really easy to setup too.

I am now folding with my gpu, cpu and ps3.
AHH found my old stock heatsink and my dad might give me a psu to use woo

hmm everytime i get off the computer for a few hours the SMP client crashes and I have to restart the computer :/
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Just got the SMP client folding on my Phenom II 965BE. Should see a good improvement in my stats now.
my client keeps on crashing when i don't use the computer for awhile i would just surf and i got off and when i got back on in the morning it crashed at 92% it crashed again today at 57% This time it actually saved what I had
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