Non-Internet Computer Stores?


New Member
Hi guys.

I need some advice.

Where is a good place, other than the internet, to purchase used/discount computer hardware?

Namely, I am searching for a used laptop…are there any types of actual stores that I can visit in my city?

I live in Canada.

Thanks for checking me out!
Jenny :)
little FYI~ Canada's a big place, and without specifying a particular's gonna be kinda hard to give ya an answer
Yeah usually its some local store in your town that has the best prices (at least I find it that way). There is some shop near me that has used parts come in sometimes, usually you can pick up something good for half the price.

But I would do a search for stores near you, It's kinda hard to reccommend a place when it's usually different in every town. I would deffinately stay away from stores like Best Buy when looking for pc parts...I find their products to be WAY over priced lol.
ya the best buy near me is so much more expensive than something like newegg, everything it around 25% more expensive than newegg
Jenny - as a starting place, because I used to live in Toronto - you might call Toronto Business Machines (that was a small shop at 135 Jarvis St. near Queen St, 361-0332, and they deal in used as well as new items - back when I needed a typewriter). If they don't have what you need they can probably refer you a place that does (if they're still at that location).
Other places where people sell their used computers are universities where students post their ads to sell things, like computers, when they're leaving. Out here in the prairies, there are lots of ads for used computers out at the university.