New Computer Website!

  • Thread starter Thread starter mike14
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Hey guys, check out Custom Computer Depot They have great computers for really great prices. You can build your own pc too. I just bought one and i have no regrets. So check it out when you get a chance. :)
You are quite clearly the owner of that site, which makes you a liar if you are proclaiming to be a happy satisfied customer.
Also the testimonials are lies as well, because the site was started this month, and you have customers claiming to be happy customers from November 2003.
I would stay away from that site at all costs.

I think someone needs to be a little more carefull when trying to skam people out! It's arogent fools like you that mkae ppl that do not have a moderate generalization for computers watse there money. grow up... :mad:
Yeah :)

Makes it quite suspicious that you posted the link (and it's "accidentally") your first post. Ahmmm...I think a logical approach makes you....well either the owner or someone close to the owner. Anyway, despite this crappy tactic, I wish you good luck and hope that next time you approach customers, you do it the proper way. Only that way will you keep your customers and gain new ones. This kind of behavior can seriously affect your business. Keep that in mind.

At least, my company (when it will start. Don't ask me cuz I'll say whenever I get enough computers) will sell used computer then it will gradually come to fairly decent one
PC Technology INC. said:
At least, my company (when it will start. Don't ask me cuz I'll say whenever I get enough computers) will sell used computer then it will gradually come to fairly decent one
No offense but you have all this talk of starting a company but it's a lot harder than just getting enough computers to sell. You need to pay taxes, pay(checks), get a store front(maybe), and last but (should be first) least is prove you know your stuff to people (being as you're 15) [It's hard enough for me and I'm 18]. But in regards to the post I agree that it was pretty stupid to try and plug your own site and lying about it at the same time.

P.S. All this while still gaining a profit at the same time. I hope it didn't sound like I was bashing you're plan but I'm just pointing out that it's harder than it seems.
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