VIP Member
Does he just want experience? Or is he looking for a job that gives experience, and money?
I did, And I don't get why we are still discussing this. I said that not all computer jobs are good paying, and I was right^^. You are also right, in the area that I was wrong, assuming thing which I shouldn't have......... Aaaaaand that made no sense did it? Ok I am gonna leave it at this, we were both right, just in different areas.
You are completely wrong, there is no we are right in different areas. All IT jobs pay well, even if you are 1st line support technician.
You can go and spend maybe £300-400 on qualifications then step into a job as 1st line support that pays £15-18k at the age of 16, straight from leaving compulsary education. Your first job and you are £1k under the national average income. That really isn't a complex job. In reality, the only qualification you need is being able to talk on a phone and being able to reset a password. For what you do, that is incredible pay.
Consider too that the rate of promotion in the IT industry is very quick. You can easily get promoted to 2nd line support within 6 months, putting you on or above national average income, and even that job isn't difficult or all that demanding. At 16-17 years of age, you have a higher income than the average Briton, just to reset passwords, pass on messages that the server is down and to send people to someone senior if they have a problem you can't fix, and still have scope for promotion.
They are the lowest of the low jobs so far as IT goes, they can and for those that keep in the IT industry and use the experience to further their career, do lead into much more lucrative jobs in a specialised area where 60+k or even 6 figure salaries aren't uncommon (though require a lot of experience and skills).
I'm a parent, so I'm concerned about experience. He's a kid, so he's concerned about money.
In the long run, if Solarus likes him, I think they would offer him a paid position which would probably exceed what he could make at the computer store.
I would take it rather than the store to be honest, but any will be valid experience. As it is a summer job and he is going to be going back into education come the end of summer, would the paid possition not be better though?
Even though the other may pay more in the long run, is he going to be there in the long run? If not then why not take the most lucrative? He will be able to put on his resume that he has experience in an IT environment and has people skills, but will have that bit of money in his pocket for a job well done.
If he was staying in employment and not moving to higher education I would agree with you, take the one that will pay off in the long run, but for a short term, part time job, take the short term rewards.