Need help setting up Google drive


Active Member
I am doing some volunteer work for a local church. Their previous in house guy who set up the network and google drive went avow and they are left without any details.

They have three workstations and their documents are stored in Google drive so they can share and some kept private. Each of the workstations has a G drive mapped to the google drive. Of the three stations carrying out different function, each may have their own files/folders that not shared with the other. For example, the payroll clerk's file is private to the payroll clerk, not to be share with the other two, while some other more general files can be accessed from another person's station.

I am not familiar with working with Google drive and I need some help.

Given the description of scheme of sharing and proprietary, does that mean that each station was mapped with a different email account? In the mapped G drive, how do I find out what email was used to create that G drive respectively on each station?

I also think there is an administrator (the guy who when avow) using an email/password to set this up. I think I need that login to go on google workspace to manage. How do I find out what is the email of the administrator?

As you can see by now, I am a bit dumbfound with this. I would appreciate some education or some link to the information I can read up on.

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Yeah, the way Google Workspace works is each user gets an account, and by default they each get their own Google Drive account with no files shared. I say “by default” because there is a Workspace setting that can make these files accessible to the entire org.

There’s also a shared Drive feature, where people can create a shared Drive, add people to it, and the files added stay put when org changes happen (user accounts suspended/deleted by the Workspace admin).

The drive mapping to G:\ was set up by Google Drive for Windows. You’ll be able to see which email address is signed in by opening the Google Drive app.

You won’t be able to find the email address of the administrator outside of social means. I’d start by asking the payroll clerk, they may have received an email from the administrator at some point. Typing the administrator’s name into the To: field while composing an email in Gmail on an org account should also bring it up.

Recovering admin access to Workspace is a different story though. If you can’t get ahold of the administrator and there are no other users who have Super Admin roles to for your domain, you’ll have to do your best to get all the files and emails backed up for each account and start a new Workspace account.
Not sure what you mean by "went avow" since you used it twice, but I would start with trying to contact the old admin, and see if he'll give you access. If that bridge is burned, you might have an easier time starting from scratch in a new Workspace, and moving files over. You doing the initial set up will also help you understand how it works and troubleshoot later too.

Disclaimer, I have never used Google Workspace.
Yeah, the way Google Workspace works is each user gets an account, and by default they each get their own Google Drive account with no files shared. I say “by default” because there is a Workspace setting that can make these files accessible to the entire org.

There’s also a shared Drive feature, where people can create a shared Drive, add people to it, and the files added stay put when org changes happen (user accounts suspended/deleted by the Workspace admin).

The drive mapping to G:\ was set up by Google Drive for Windows. You’ll be able to see which email address is signed in by opening the Google Drive app.

You won’t be able to find the email address of the administrator outside of social means. I’d start by asking the payroll clerk, they may have received an email from the administrator at some point. Typing the administrator’s name into the To: field while composing an email in Gmail on an org account should also bring it up.

Recovering admin access to Workspace is a different story though. If you can’t get ahold of the administrator and there are no other users who have Super Admin roles to for your domain, you’ll have to do your best to get all the files and emails backed up for each account and start a new Workspace account.
I will read up your post and try to understand it.
I am sure I will come back and ask you more questions.
I will read up your post and try to understand it.
I am sure I will come back and ask you more questions.
I meant to say "awol".
He disappeared after some argument and refused to answer the phone.