My soon to be awesome sound system.

Whatever it just sounds dumb are u to cheap to buy a sound sytem?

To cheap to buy a sound system, that OTHER people own.
Now you tell me if someone else has a sound system in a life size redbull can.


And i suppose a noise thats coming inside a container is related to the tin can

and thank you Halian.
Id rather have a cheap creative sound system then an expensive one.

Oh and my idea is sooo uber cool that the only way you can get off of obsessing that this is better than ur ideas, is to insult it.

People have opinions... You could have said....
I dont entirely like that idea, though you could buy a sound system.
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Yeah your pictures dissapeared.

I do agree with the others though, if you're going to use low grade speakers, the quality is going to be pretty bad. If you're going to put that much work into it, might as well make it sound good :).
Whats the diameter of that thing? You could throw a sub on the top and have a pretty neat sub woofer. Probably too flimsy though.
I like the idea, althought it's not something I'd do myself, I like it nonetheless, it's good to see someone with some creativity. I just wonder what the output would be like with it.

How many speakers you planning to use in there? And are you planning to use more than one can? Like it was said before, will you set up like 5 of them around the place?

All in all, I love the concept, Good work. :D
Thank you.

Theres ALOT of room, the pictures dont show it, but let me measure.
from bottom to top - 2ft 10''
from one side of the rim, to the other - 16''



Thank you.

Theres ALOT of room, the pictures dont show it, but let me measure.
from bottom to top - 2ft 10''
from one side of the rim, to the other - 16''




I could tell there was a lot of room when I first saw the can from the outside, then I saw the standard computer speakers...that thing is big. Anyways, instead of 5. put 2. 1 on each side of the room or in the corners then have your subwoofer under you or in the ceiling or in the floor...or something spiffy like that. :P
I like the idea.. altough i really doubt high tones will sound good when they come out of that thing. however.. i think you could make it an awesome Sub. you's just need an amplifier and some big speakers for it i gues.

here,.. i made a draft of what i mean. (I've never worked with speakers before.. so dont blame me if the idea isnt good.) the holes in the side.. well.. i gues you could replace the much holes with 1 bigger in and put a roster in front of it to make it look better.


Like said.. I've never worked with speakers or subs.. but I think this would sound rather nice. (Like bomb explosions etc in games.. I think it will make quite a boom) just make sure,.. if you build something like this,.. that there are no loose parts in/on it.. because it would be a shame if it makes a ratteling sound :)
enclosure design isn't as simple as cutting holes

that's what i was trying to tell this guy, and he shrugged it off as a negative comment

enclosure internal volume, port area, length, and tuning all need to be appropriate for a particular drivers theiles smalls perimeters, or the driver wont work correctly

speaker enclosure design is a hobby with at least AS BIG a following, if not moreso than computers and overclocking, there's people who have spent thousands upon thousands of work hours, not to mention funds building and improving speaker cabinet design

think about it, DBdrag, bassrace, and other car soundoff competitions wouldn't be nearly as popular, nor as challenging, if building an ideal speaker cabinet was as simple as cutting appropriately sized holes in a giant redbull can

there's theories, laws of physics, and calculations for designing appropriate enclosures for a given driver's perimeters, desired frequency response, and allocated power supply

I'd highly recommend leaving the redbull can a neat novelty beer cooler, and just buying some premade speakers, or some custom cabinets, and installing your drivers, because your results are going to be less than ideal
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