My first Rig and I need Help

Official Owner of a GTX 680 2GB

Yeap! Just bought me a EVGA GTX 680 2GB Sealed "Brand spanking New" from ebay. I Got a hot lick on it too.

I only paid $410 Shipped!
EpicSurvivor, what did you decide to do with CPU?
I can report that CoolerMaster Hyper 212 Evo cooled my i5-3570K @ 4.224GHz and the maximum core reached 65C
The i7 3770k is 3,5ghz. And you got turbo on I think? So you can say @3,9ghz ;p.
and isn't it the v-lx as mobo? Bad mobo to oc.
The i7 3770k is 3,5ghz. And you got turbo on I think? So you can say @3,9ghz ;p.
and isn't it the v-lx as mobo? Bad mobo to oc.
Bad Mobo to OC? For the price it has some of the best reviews for OC. Anyway, I already ordered it and its coming in the mail nothing I can do now but hope that all those reviews are true.
The i7 3770k is 3,5ghz. And you got turbo on I think? So you can say @3,9ghz ;p.
and isn't it the v-lx as mobo? Bad mobo to oc.

I'm using a P8Z77-V LX with an i7-2600K running it at 4.8GHz with no problems. I agree that there are better motherboards when it comes to overclocking, but with OC Tuner (automatic overclocking) in the newest BIOS version I think it's outstanding for the price. There is an LK version as well, too.
I'm using a P8Z77-V LX with an i7-2600K running it at 4.8GHz with no problems. I agree that there are better motherboards when it comes to overclocking, but with OC Tuner (automatic overclocking) in the newest BIOS version I think it's outstanding for the price. There is an LK version as well, too.
Yea I only paid $110 for mine after Rebate. So I'm happy with it. I have never OC before but I'll be learning soon.