My first Pano!

Yes I adjusted the JPEG quality but didn't increase the size of panorama.

I'm satisfied with the second try, I'll try it on a sunny day and a night panorama is coming soon :D
Here's one I tried, Don't know what's with the red line, the pictures do actually merge together...

So are you guys using tripods, taking a shot, then spinning the tripod? Or taking video?
I did mine free hand, the further away the object is, the easier it is to get the photos to blend together without any tripod. I just rotated the camera and took three separate shots.
Yeah I used a tripod. You just have to rotate it for the next picture :)
Which is another reason you should only take panorama shots of objects far away. If you try to take a closeup pano, such as a room, you will see lots of barrel distortion.
[-0MEGA-];987535 said:
Which is another reason you should only take panorama shots of objects far away. If you try to take a closeup pano, such as a room, you will see lots of barrel distortion.

If you have distortion, I suggest you use Hugin, it works with it, you just have to define the distortion which is found with another program.

The only problem with Hugin is the quality... I got a 650 KB picture instead of the 4.5 MB picture I got with AutoStitch.
I really wish I had the talent and the camera to do photography :P

Looks great Geoff.
Thanks :)

It really wasn't that hard, I went outside with my S3-IS, switched to stitch assist mode, and then used the app to join then together. It is pretty cool though, can't believe I never tried it before.
Going back to my original post, if the sun is strong in one of the pics does your decent camera auto adjust for that or do you manually set exposure to counteract it.

Failing that, is it something that has to be adjusted in an editing program like I had to do, or is it best to be choosy with the light/scene when taking shots for a panorama.