Mozilla has released version 3.6.9

meh. I still like firefox. I don't ever dive into the add-ons or themes or anything anyway. It's done it's job for me and it's what I'm used too. Besides. if you are that worried about waiting 5 seconds for the browser to load...consider upgrading your computer as well.

edit: i was curious as to how long it actually does take to load. on my computer: 2 seconds
Yeah on my computer Firefox is fast too. But i'll try Chrome so i can get familiar with it. I do use some add-ons on Firefox though. :)

I can't tell if you're being serious or not.

Im serius, all the latest versions i have tried caused me me nothing but problems,Crashing...videos not playing on youtube etc....i uninstall it and go to and download an old version and its been running solid for ages! :P

Not sure what Mozilla are up to but they need to stop adding all the bloatware crap.