VIP Member
That is true, but check the iLife suite of Macintosh applications,
that can't run on windows, and I think that is one of the best programs that apple developed.
Really? If it's that good maybe I'll have to try it.
That is true, but check the iLife suite of Macintosh applications,
that can't run on windows, and I think that is one of the best programs that apple developed.
That is true, but check the iLife suite of Macintosh applications,
that can't run on windows, and I think that is one of the best programs that apple developed.
Well when you have a cult following then it is easy to jack up prices, if you guys want check out a movie called "mac heads", it is about the cult following and it is a little creepy, there is a church where the god is steve jobs.
there is a church where the god is steve jobs.