mac is better than pc, proven

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You wish, I have been an avid user of Hackintosh for years and trust me when it doesn't work, it doesn't. It's just not a mac Just go on over on InsanelyMac and you'll see dozen of threads about "my pc doesn't boot" or similar thread <- and by PC they mean their Hack.

and btw what i found ironic about that is this is a computer forum that has dozens of threads about how there windows machine doesnt work. the whole ****ing reason for a forum is to fix your problems and discuss improvements. i think you miss the point.
windows ME is the best anyways... oh well.

iMac is what i did on apples website. it was around $3,250 and the specs were equivalent to what a $1,500-$2,000 custom built PC would cost (including a 24' monitor) i just find it hard to justify when we are talking almost 2 thousand dollars more. i can post everything up if you like, the iMac and the custom PC that i've put together (on newegg) and you can see for yourself.

I have 100s of iMacs at work and none of them cost that much provide a link plz.
They actually have it so that the hackintosh can update through valid Apple. Thanks.

My case still holds, there is no reason to purchase a Mac. You can go on all you want about nice screens and all that junk, but I'm fine with my 19' widescreen LCD. But when it comes down to it all the hardware is the same so why pay more. And why pay more for an open source OS re-hash?

Also if you would like to further look into Hackint0sh I believe lifehacker has actual builds that run it perfectly without any flaws.

Wrong. I have also used it and it hacks around the TPM that apple puts on their computers and their updates, get this still follow the TPM standards. Updates have to be hacked. Just like psystar or whatever they said they have to release their own updates.

Your hardware is also not the same.
No.... Spec for spec means they are spec for spec, lol. How would the price stay the same when comparing apples to PCs?

That means you need to add all the extras that come STANDARD on a mac! So if we were actually comparing spec for spec you need to add all the specifications, which make them about the same price!
My buddy at work just had his MacBook Pro's logic board go out.
It's not even a year old. Apple quoted him $1200.00 to replace it.

At this point, he could have bought 3 comparable laptops for what
he paid initially, plus the cost to repair it. And, he'd still have a spare.

As far as the Mac Pro, who the heck needs a server chip (let alone 2!)
and ECC RAM? Who is going to utilize these systems enough to realize
a difference
in performance between buffered RAM and a Xeon cpu, versus non buffered DDR3 and a vanilla i7?

Also, $700.00 for a RAID card? $700.00 for a RAID card?

And you can upgrade the 640GB HDD to a 1TB HDD for $100.00, but each
1TB HDD you add after that is $300.00?

Yes, they use high end parts, and you'll pay premium prices for them
(don't know how you'd justify the RAID cardvand 1TB HDD's though)
regardless whether they're in a PC or a Mac, but who needs a Mac Pro?

Maybe I couldn't build a Mac Pro spec for spec for less money, but I could
build 2 vanilla i7 PC's for the same price as one Mac Pro.
(Nehalem 2.66GHZ, 3GB DDR3, 640GB HDD, RAID, Radeon HD 4870, etc)

There's no sense, or value, to me, in buying a Ferrari as a daily driver.

tlarkin, i dunno why u even try. I'm a Windows guy and every pro-Win statement on this thread makes me sad.

Lemme help you kiddies out:
It is either
PC vs Mac
Windows vs OSX
there is no such thing as Windows vs Mac idiots...

What tlarkin is trying to say is that part for part (every bell and whistle) adds to the price of a Mac, some argue that they cost too much for little benefit (LED LCD is one, they are quite an added expense just to make sure the light is more uniform), they still cost that much because they use more expensive (i'm not going to say high quality) parts. Some argue the use of the features, they are still there and will add to the price no matter how useless they are.
Price aside, my only problem is with the operating system itself, I've never really been a fan of the dock as your main mode of transportation and that rather than a different bar for each window, the top bar changes according to what program you have active at that time which may be great for some but I like the way Windows does things. I also like the fact that a program is constrained inside its own window, it becomes distracting when every element is in its own free-floating window like in OSX (this becomes especially annoying when using photoshop on OSX)
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i was watching cnbc while working out and they mentioned this. it seemed like an ad for mac. full of flaws. obviously aimed at the computer illiterate.
Yeah that's great and all, but what exactly comes standard on a mac that I would have to purchase for a PC?

There are lots of things that come standard on a Mac laptop that do not come standard on a PC laptop, and this is not including software, but if you want to include iLife and other built in software features and what it can do out of the box, then a Mac's value increases exponentially.

I have already listed a few of the features that come standard. Like for example, every Mac has BT 2.0 EDR, and ABGN Wireless. These are typically pay for upgrades on a PC notebook. LED back lit screens are more expensive, and yes they have lots of benefits. They consume less power, they are environmentally safe (don't contain any toxins in them, ie mercury), then you have the subtle built in features like the ambient light sensor. For example, I leave the room I am currently in and put my Macbook Pro in my back pack. I travel to building 3 and go into the room I am now going to work in for a while. I pull my laptop out and open it up, which awakens it from sleeping. The ambient light sensor automatically detects how much light is in the room and will adjust the keyboard back light (another standard feature) and the screen brightness to the most optimal brightness settings in my given environment. Do I need this feature, nope, is it pretty damn sick? Yes, it is very slick.


I was a lead tech in a warranty repair center for 6 years. No laptop is cost effective to fix out of warranty they are all over priced parts. This is due to the fact that most parts manufactured for laptops are for production, not for servicing them out of warranty. Most people, when their laptop dies, replace it since it is more cost effective, thus driving down the demand for such service parts, thus driving up the price. Also, every warranty repair shop marks up parts. Car shops do it, and so do computer shops. I can look up the actual cost of parts and I bet that $1200 logic board was probably around a $600 to $700 cost to the shop, the rest was marked up. The service industry does that, and that is just part of the gig.

Now your comment on RAID cards, dude I have RAID cards that are over $1,000 brand new in servers, and while I am on the topic of servers, Apple Servers are the best bang for your buck right now. I manage 33 Xserves at work, and we also have a crap ton of Dell servers as well, which are less spec and the same price. Then you want to look at rack mount RAID arrays, and look at Apple's XRAID, which is very competitively priced. Apple is definitely trying to gain some market share in the server market for sure.

Who needs to use a Mac Pro? Hmm, well companies like Pixar need them. They aren't play toys like your PC gaming rig, they are serious work machines that do serious work. Go to any high end audio/video industry where they do lots and lots of rendering and/or video editing/compositing and they will almost always have some if not most of their computers Macs. Are you going to buy a Mac Pro for gaming? Only if you are dumb and have money to waste.

Intel_man -

Yeah, come on dude, show me an iMac that cost $3k? Bulk discount? Yeah business sales you do get a bit of a discount but it would never drop the price from a $3k unit down to under $1k. I believe the iMac starts at around $1100 or so.
and btw what i found ironic about that is this is a computer forum that has dozens of threads about how there windows machine doesnt work. the whole ****ing reason for a forum is to fix your problems and discuss improvements. i think you miss the point.

Please watch your language, using asterisks to block out the word is still not allowed

Guys guys relax, chill out. Let a mod close this thread. It's getting pointleess

You wish, I have been an avid user of Hackintosh for years and trust me when it doesn't work, it doesn't. It's just not a mac Just go on over on InsanelyMac and you'll see dozen of threads about "my pc doesn't boot" or similar thread <- and by PC they mean their Hack.

Bottom line dubesinshower, you're 19, grow up a bit more and realize theres no point in arguing about Mac >Windows or Windows > Mac


Agree, The choice between a mac and a PC is an opinion; nothing to get worked up about. So for now, thread closed.
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