liquid cooled rig parted forsale!

Can you give us a pic of the moniter? What is the specs? Any dead pixels, scratches etc. How much would you be selling them for?
i wouldnt mind having the ram cooler. anyone ask for it yet? how much? i gotta keep them cool while running pi with:gun: mitch? :D:o:P:D:rolleyes::good:
yeh its sold, im already 3/4 way through my i7 build now lol

yeh its the 1200...

i have just removed one of the fans to fit the huge resivour in the case, i am looking into the idea of mounting it out back as high as i can and keep the 2 rear fans...

its all up in the air, but thanx for the nice comments ;)
Looking great so far Funky,Love the white tubing.

What gpus are you going with again?
aah man what i wouldn't give for one of those cases, so cool!!

And not to be a kill joy or anything, but maybbe change topic area :P ?