yes he did, he was asking if he got a monitor aswell lol... some people just want want want
hey mitch, why dont you make like a tree and leave
whats with the attitude? is it all the estrogen?

yes he did, he was asking if he got a monitor aswell lol... some people just want want want
hey mitch, why dont you make like a tree and leave
Hey Funky how much for your girlfriend?
get your own fatty
she's fat?
lemme fix it.
get your own, fatty.
Can you give us a pic of the moniter? What is the specs? Any dead pixels, scratches etc. How much would you be selling them for?
i wouldnt mind having the ram cooler. anyone ask for it yet? how much? i gotta keep them cool while running pi with:gun: mitch?:good:
yeh its sold, im already 3/4 way through my i7 build now lol
yeh its sold, im already 3/4 way through my i7 build now lol
antec 1200