Laws on selling your own computers

Eric Pittman

New Member
Where could I find information about selling my own branded computers. It's something I want to do on the side but I don't think I can take a new HP monitor or keyboard or something and put my own logo on it. Where can I find a supplier of monitors keyboards mice that I can put my logo on and also able to buy large quantities at discounted prices? Thank you for the help
So you wanna buy another companies product and slap your logo on it to pretend like you made it? Aside from that sounding really, really ****ing stupid - its illegal without legit distribution license/agreement of some kind and obviously money.

Why do you want to do this anyhow, there are literally hundreds of companies, already established selling discount shit.
So you wanna buy another companies product and slap your logo on it to pretend like you made it? Aside from that sounding really, really ****ing stupid - its illegal without legit distribution license/agreement of some kind and obviously money.

Why do you want to do this anyhow, there are literally hundreds of companies, already established selling discount shit.
No that's the point I don't want to do that. I have the custom built PCs already, I custom build them myself, I want to find a place where I can get everything else monitors keyboards mice that I can brand too. I am ok if it's just parts I can build them but all I have seen up to this point is everyone else's monitors and such.
So you wanna buy another companies product and slap your logo on it to pretend like you made it? Aside from that sounding really, really ****ing stupid - its illegal without legit distribution license/agreement of some kind and obviously money.

Why do you want to do this anyhow, there are literally hundreds of companies, already established selling discount shit.
Stores like Sears have re-branded things and sold them as Sears brand for eons now...