Last time I'll ever be ordering from newegg or tiger direct

Ordering from Newegg is normally rock solid, that is a rare occurrence. I would be willing to bet, if you order 1,000 more things that will not happen again. Could be the most reliable web electronics store on the web.

how much money have you spent at newegg? if you spend enough, they will shit bricks over the possibility of losing you

This is a fact...I had an ordering problem with them when I ordered my Ultra Kaze fans. They were listed on the Newegg page as new thin Ultra Kaze fans! We'll when they arrived they were the 38mm version.

I talked with a sales rep and explained my situation. At first he was kinda helpful, not really, told me I would have to RMA them for a refund. Then he asked my name and looked at my account, about $8,000 at the Egg for me. I could tell a difference right away when he opened my account. They credited me the 50% of what I paid for the fans and I did not even have to ship them back!:D
Newegg - They managed to double bill me which made my bank account overdraft a ton of charges (no I didnt hit enter twice or refresh) and I had to spend 3 hours at the bank getting everything fixed.

May not have been Newegg's fault. From what I understand retail credit card purchases are all processed through a credit processing service that actually generates the transactions that move the money around. They could have been the party responsible for the mistake.

I was once triple billed for a purchase, (not Newegg). I e-mailed the retailer. A representative assured me that it would be corrected soon. After a few weeks went by I e-mailed again with a threat to report the business to the BBB if I didn't see a credit soon.

This time the owner replied. He stated that the service that he uses to process credit transactions had triple billed 400+ of his customers that month. He said he's been on the phone with them every day, and they're assuring him that they're doing their best to straighten the mess out. He also said in his e-mail that he's likely going to lose his business over the mistake because so many customers were upset.

I felt like a jerk for threatening him and replied that I understood and would be patient. They eventually credited my account and the business no longer exists.
Ordering from Newegg is normally rock solid, that is a rare occurrence. I would be willing to bet, if you order 1,000 more things that will not happen again. Could be the most reliable web electronics store on the web.

This is a fact...I had an ordering problem with them when I ordered my Ultra Kaze fans. They were listed on the Newegg page as new thin Ultra Kaze fans! We'll when they arrived they were the 38mm version.

I talked with a sales rep and explained my situation. At first he was kinda helpful, not really, told me I would have to RMA them for a refund. Then he asked my name and looked at my account, about $8,000 at the Egg for me. I could tell a difference right away when he opened my account. They credited me the 50% of what I paid for the fans and I did not even have to ship them back!:D

I feel like a huge nerd, i looked at my newegg account, and i've got over $2k worth of stuff, lol