Is this illegal?


So, this "guy I know" goes to the library and finds out that they have an extensive cd collection with some really off the wall bands. This guy checks out a couple CDs from the library for his listening enjoyment as he would a book. While playing the CDs on the computer, would it be illegal for him to hit the ripp function and burn them to hard drive? :confused:
i would think so but then i would understand that the library has to know people are doin it. so i can see that if u taking out the cd's with their permission then y not. i am almost positive that they know people are doing it.
yes it would be illegal. Isn't there a rule that you could only keep music that you dont own for like 24 hours or something?
As long as he doesnt distribute them... Downloading.. fine.. THEY DONT WANT YOU UPLOADING! Upload makes another copy. They go after downloading, because once you have it.. that is one more uploader..
Trizoy said:
As long as he doesnt distribute them... Downloading.. fine.. THEY DONT WANT YOU UPLOADING! Upload makes another copy. They go after downloading, because once you have it.. that is one more uploader..

So, "they" differentiate between someone who downloads music online and someone who makes it avaliable to download by uploading?
I'd suggest going to the library and doing that even if it is illegal, like many said they have to know people do that, and it would probably be safer than downloading anyhow.
aramp1 said:
So, "they" differentiate between someone who downloads music online and someone who makes it avaliable to download by uploading?

Well if your downloading something, wont you be sharing it in the future.. I know programs like kazaa require uploading from the folder you download to... There for reproducing the copy is what they are looking for. The downlaoding is bad..

I might be wrong.. go check out Write them an email :0)
Okay, so playing devil's advocate, what makes this any different than going to the library, checking out a book and then bringing the book home and photocopying a chapter or two to read any time you want after returning the book?
What makes ti differnt? 1.Thats part f it, not all of it and 2. The Laws are different.

liuliuboy said:
yes it would be illegal. Isn't there a rule that you could only keep music that you dont own for like 24 hours or something?
MYTH, sme thing with roms, 24 hour thing is just cr they pulled out of there butt to get you to download them.
it cant possibly be illegal. the library would have taken the cd's away or not let them be checked out. They HAVE to know they people are capable of ripping the songs off the cd. they arent retarded. unless they dont know wat a computer is, im sure they know wat ur capable of doin when u bring the cd home.
MYTH, sme thing with roms, 24 hour thing is just cr they pulled out of there butt to get you to download them.
Not a myth, there are international restriction on how long you can hold distributed media for without paying a licence. For example if you record from TV, or radio. Then technically, and i do mean technically you have to destroy your copy within a set time period.

it cant possibly be illegal. the library would have taken the cd's away or not let them be checked out. They HAVE to know they people are capable of ripping the songs off the cd. they aren’t retarded. unless they don’t know wat a computer is, im sure they know wat ur capable of doin when u bring the cd home.
Look lets be under no delusions here, it is illegal. You can attempt to justify it as much as you like, but you are breaking copyrights by making a copy for permanent use without paying the copyright fee. Illegal fact.

Now let’s distinguish between what is against the law and what is actually enforced. For most purposes you are unlikely to be caught if you keep your copies to yourself, and your crime is (whilst punishable by a strong maximum sentence) is a relatively petty one and the courts will see it that way. However if you are distributing that copy material to others then your crime becomes somewhat worse, as does your punishment. It’s a simple fact that if there were no buyer there would be no thieves; and using this ethos authorities target the sharer rather than the users.

I am not condoning owning illegal copyright goods, such acts stifle creativity and slow technological progress. I am trying to make to distinction that you all fail to see (except Trizoy)

And on a final note, of course they know that you are able to make copies if you want. That doesn't mean they should stop leaning them. If everyone who knew there material could be copied illegally then there would be no video, game rental, no cinemas, no TV, no radio.

Okay, so playing devil's advocate, what makes this any different than going to the library, checking out a book and then bringing the book home and photocopying a chapter or two to read any time you want after returning the book?
No difference at all, that would be illegal as well, without written permission from the author/copyright owner. Even if you own the book it would require permission or citation. And again yes i am aware that 000's of student do this everyday. It would be nice to think of a world where this was more of an issue than it is, but the fact is that people don’t read much these days. :(

What makes ti differnt? 1.Thats part f it, not all of it and 2. The Laws are different.
Technically the size of the copy doesn’t matter, but again in reality the court will see it more leniently. But the laws in principle are the say; statute may enforce them differently however.
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bigsaucybob said:
it cant possibly be illegal. the library would have taken the cd's away or not let them be checked out. They HAVE to know they people are capable of ripping the songs off the cd. they arent retarded. unless they dont know wat a computer is, im sure they know wat ur capable of doin when u bring the cd home.
Well surely thats the same thing for blockbuster, and othe rrental stores. They know people will be renting them, and most people will copy them, but they still allow them to be rented.
Surely RIAA know that when the top of the pops type shows are on TV and radio they are being copied with all the video recorders sold and dvd recorders now available. it seems underhand to prosecute (persecute more like) computer users. how many kids now have a copy of a copy of a copy of a dvd film now done without computers, but in perfect quality from just a tv broadcast. Don't the rights get sold to the tv companies to broadcast and so it should be the TV companies chasing down Pirates.
ria cant do anything if its imported to teh libarary they can not check if you have the cd or anything so its perfectly fine you wouldnt get caught and that 24 hours thing is not true its only taken into account if you download say music form a certain websites and you are not downloading it as like a back up for your cds and you are asked to delete
yes it's illegal. will you get caught for doing so? probably not. the riaa has more important things to worry about than catching a random guy that ripps cd's from the library.