Im getting bored of my Video Card

It wont be that bad of a bottleneck for now until you get a new cpu cause if he were to get a new cpu he would need a new motherboard and ram. So I would get the videocard now which will be able to play games pretty good and then upgrade the cpu later when you get more money.

And this videocard is 10x better than the current one he has so he should be able to play games way better than he has been.

YES! that is exactly how i was thinking it out :p
i would wait a bit until you can afford a new mobo & C2D....then by that time the 8800 might have gone down in price a little bit.:confused:

Or you if you dont want to wait buy the videocard now then buy a C2D and new motherboard and ram then these guys wont be worried about any bottlenecking.
Doesn't give any amp readings and it looks like a budget one, I don't know, it may be, but then again, it may be utter crap!
It uses a 20 pin connector. All current PSU's use a 24 pin i believe.

The hyper type R looks good though :)
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Thats a better PSU, it's a total of 37A on the 12v rails, I don't know if it's enough, it may be. Ceewi1 knows his stuff, I wonder when he'll show up :p

Just wondering, my 380watt Antec has a combined 12v rail of 32A, rekon thats enough?
Thats a better PSU, it's a total of 37A on the 12v rails, I don't know if it's enough, it may be. Ceewi1 knows his stuff, I wonder when he'll show up :p

Just wondering, my 380watt Antec has a combined 12v rail of 32A, rekon thats enough?

37 amps should be enough to run that system.

Your 380 watt antec The amps are enough I would think I would be worried about the watts though I would have at least 450 or more.
A 8800gts system needs 26amps to run. I actually think kornowski might be able to pull it off.. slizone did tests with a fx60 and two 800gts in sli and the power consumption rarely went over 400w.
Your 380 watt antec The amps are enough I would think I would be worried about the watts though I would have at least 450 or more.

Isn't it the watts that provide the ampage? So if the ampage is enough, the watts should be enough?

A 8800gts system needs 26amps to run. I actually think kornowski might be able to pull it off.. slizone did tests with a fx60 and two 800gts in sli and the power consumption rarely went over 400w.

So, let me get this right, two SLI'd 8800's used 400watt, so I wouldn't have anything left for my other stuff.

Well, Some people said that I couldn't run my curreny system on the Antec, Wrong :p People often overkill on their PSU!
Isn't it the watts that provide the ampage? So if the ampage is enough, the watts should be enough?

So, let me get this right, two SLI'd 8800's used 400watt, so I wouldn't have anything left for my other stuff.

Well, Some people said that I couldn't run my curreny system on the Antec, Wrong :p People often overkill on their PSU!

Its better to go overkill on your powersupply cause if the powersupply goes it could take down your whole system so it is better to get one that is 2x what you need just so you arent stressing the powersupply out.

Just remember you may be able to run your curent system with that powersupply but you never know if its unloaded untill it goes and if your lucky it wont fry anything else when it goes. Your powersupply could be getting overworked right now.
Yea it is

But id still go for the safe option, "Better Safe Than Sorry" You should always leave a margin for error!

It's Ok for this build and I won't be buying an 8800 any time soon, So I'm Ok.