I've gotta say, i hate Python. I want to be able to format my code how i want, damnit!
How can anyone hate python.
It is one of the best languages ever developed.
And no brackets and no semi colons and it also has dynamic typing.
It has practical unlimited variable(of any data type) size and you can integrate any C library with it and also call it as a module.
And the yet to be released version of python will be as fast as C.
Which is pretty damn fast for such a powerful language interpreter.
Its coding is easy.
Take any code in C/C++ and you will be able to write the same in a way shorter code.
What do you hate about python,I mean what do you mean by formatting your own code.
Like for a function definition you need a compulsory indent,does that bother you??
If not then what do you mean by formatting.
There are two types of languages which make indentation compulsory and the other which dont make indentation compulsory.
The one which is compulsory to indent can optimised to a higher level compared to the one which cannot be indented.