I got $140 for parts help me decide what I should get first

Need links to public wishlist, also you gave a link to your shopping card on second one.. Just post links;)

=4,500th post=
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FYI, all red cathodes, pretty much pink.
Forget that heatsink+fan, just get a decent heatsink that comes with a decent fan:

Although, i would personally skip the cathodes, just get a couple led fans , maybe an led light strip if you want real red.

For your main wishlist...what case do you have? Those 80mm fans are loud and your best if you can use 120mm fans.
For your main wishlist memory, get 1066mhz:
Think about spending more on a hard drive, such as this, MUCH faster than an se16:
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What about these for the lights http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812551002 I already have 4 red LED fans but they don't put out alot of light. I could prob skip on the lights for now but will get them If I can.

I'm not sure the heatsink will fit in my case that's why I picked the S963 because I know it will fit because it has the dimensions and I measured. The dark night does not have the dimensions listed how much bigger is it then the S963. I have a midtower case but the sidewindow fan is almost infront of the CPU
Take your side fan off if it doesnt fit, the s1283v is immesely better, what case do you have?

Yes, that light stick seems good.

Heatsink Dimensions 120 x 50 x 159mm Thats for the S1283(non V), same heatsink without bolt thru and not nickle plated, but same size. Just under 16cm high;)
That's just It I don't know what case I have I got it off eBay and there is was no name on the description and the only thing on the case is GP-118. I've looked every where online for it but can't find anything I've even looked on eBay for another like it but can't find one.

The sidewindow fan is not as bad as I thought maybe it would fit after all


That would be AWESOME:D
Hmm... all i can tell you is its a powerup, i cant even find powerup's website though. Measure how far it is from the side panel to the cpu socket, should be able to see if it will fit or not;)
Maybe you should just do case+psu now, then upgrade others down the road?
There is 6in from the CPU to the sidewindow then take 25mm off for the width of the fan so I'd say 5 1/2in. I like my case and wasn't planning on upgrading it for a little while because I won't to get an Antec 900,1200 or a Cooler Master HAF or something like that.
Ok I think the 96 should be good for my X3 8650 I don't plan to OC but I'm sure I could with the 964.
OK got the S964 with an extra fan that blows 50CFM that's 104CFM between the two. OCZ 700watt power supply. A green sunlight LED strip(thought it would ascent my red fans nicely), and some thermal past for my HSF total comes to $141.51(Perfect). I should be all set right anything else.
OK got the S964 with an extra fan that blows 50CFM that's 104CFM between the two. OCZ 700watt power supply. A green sunlight LED strip(thought it would ascent my red fans nicely), and some thermal past for my HSF total comes to $141.51(Perfect). I should be all set right anything else.
Yup,fans in paralell dont just add their cfm's up though, it will be more effective in creating higher pressure throughout the heatsink though in a push->pull setp=better temps;)
OK will it matter which fan pulls and which pushes seems to me like I would wont the top fan to be pulling because I don't won't hot air blowing on my GPU when I get it. One fan is 50 cfm and the other is 54 cfm which one should do what. Will this thermal past be good http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835154003 I don't really won't to spend $10 on Arctic silver 5.
? The heatsink should be blowing out the rear, should be like this

REAR of CASE (First fan, blowing <---)|Heatsink|(Second fan blowing<----) FRONT of CASE

TX-2 is pretty much the best thermal compound out there;)
Do you know of any Power supply for around $80 that will power 2 ATI 4870 because I won't to get a new MOBO some time and another GPU but I don't wont to have to buy another power supply when I do.
? The heatsink should be blowing out the rear, should be like this

REAR of CASE (First fan, blowing <---)|Heatsink|(Second fan blowing<----) FRONT of CASE

TX-2 is pretty much the best thermal compound out there;)

From the reviews I read about the SD964 it can only blow one way with the AMD socket clip and that is towards the power supply.