how often do you dust your computer?

I don't dust, it'll just get dusty again, same goes with my room.

I usually get a new heatsink/case before my old one gets dusty
My mom's Dell hasn't been dusted in years. I'm actually afraid to clean it, I think it would be immediate static. It's been chugging for over 8 years now though.
Haha that's great, a spider! Yeah one month seems like overkill, but I've seen some computers that I couldn't even imagine how all that dust accumulated in the case.

Yeh, it was pretty funny, but not the worst.
One of my dad's clients (he runs a computer business) is a pool shop, so some of the components inside got like chlorine gas or something, and got eroded. You could tell where the screws were on the motherboard because that was the only part where the colours were right!
Back in Australia I dusted mine out once a month. But here in India I have given up. It gets completely packed with dust in a matter of days. Like when I clean my Zalman 9700 the dust is caked on so thick I could probably glue it to my case and use it as acoustic dampening foam hahahha :D

So I can't be bothered cleaning it anymore. I mean to really clean it properly I have to take the HSF out and clean it separately. Then clean everything else and take the whole front of the case off and clean each "dust catching" foam pad thing individually. Its heaps of effort and needs to be done at least once a week. So I have given up. I mean you cant get compressed air cans here. If you could I would clean it often, but as I can't it is just too hard. :(
whenever the fan filters are caked, i only have to dust the inside like once every 6 mouths or so
edit: i never bother do my other 2 systems, my second computer only get used when my mate comes round to play CSS and COD4 and my server is in my garage so it doesn't get dusty.
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Once every few months or so. Whenever I clean the rest of my room.

Yes. But most of the time people don't think about dusting and it's really annoying when a friend asks you to help with their computer and you take the side off and heaps of dust flies at you... and one time a spider was in a case:eek:

That's great! My friend's dad used to own a computer store in town and one time, there was a moldy sandwich in a computer someone brought in.
My friend's dad used to own a computer store in town and one time, there was a moldy sandwich in a computer someone brought in.

omg, that's hilarious, that's probably the most random thing you could find, next to something like a used condom
edit: did i actually just say "omg"?
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Haha I guess I'm anal when it comes to cleaning my laptop. I dust and clean (using lens cloths, and compressed air) at least once every couple of weeks. However, in my defense, my dorm room is very dusty.
Yeah I have to dust my room a lot or else it gets dusty. I'm not sure what it's from, it's not an abnormal amount of dust but still.
pffft every month i give it a good clean out with my blower :p which is suprisingly fun, but makes you cough a lot. Also knocks down the temps a bit