How Many Seconds Does It Take For Your Computer Boot Up?

Cold boot, from power off, is about 45-50 seconds.
I lose 15 seconds because my goofy board takes that
long to post.
Well it takes my pc about 20 sec from bios screen to the desktop. It dont even show Welcome, I hear the vista boot sound then right to desktop it goes. All I have running is McAfee, Logmein, and SynchronEyes ( my computer monitoring program ). Shut down is almost asap. I keep cleaning up the pc and running defragg all the time and it seams to keep the boot time to a low. I dont let anything much start up on boot, I disable a lot, everything I dont need. btw... I havent rebooted in 26 days.
I'm not sure exactly, but I get around 7 seconds on the POST, then it takes a couple seconds to get to the OS chooser thing (For one reason or another I had to delete the folder, if someone could tell me how to get rid of that screen it would be great). by the time I choose XP it's been about a total of 10 seconds. windows loading screen is on for no more than 15, so that brings be 25. By the time I'm at the login screen to enter my pass its been about 32 seconds. With out the pass, I'd probably get around 35 seconds because it don't got to loadthe password screen.

AMD 5200,4GB RAM, 7200RPM SATA HDD, 8600GTS, XP Pro SP3

MY parents desktop is a complete joke. Takes well over a full 2 minutes.

2.5ghz celeron, 512MB RAM, probably a 5400RPM IDE for sure hard drive, intregrated graphics :eek: its a total paice of garbage

EDIT: I have never defragged my hard drive. Re-installed plenty of OS's lolz (like at least 5 times) but no defrags.