How does Apple charge these prices?

I liked Ubuntu 10.04, but I was noticing there to be a lot of glitches as they keep coming out with new releases. I remember using Ubuntu Hardy on my main machine which is my older Dell that is still moving along and I also had it on my Dell Mini 9 that came installed from dell and it was flawless. I recently switched to Mint cause I have it installed on three different laptops and it has that flawless operation that in my opinion Ubuntu used to have.
I am guessing you you do not have much experience with Debain packaged flavors cause then you would know how easy they install.

At work I manage 40 OS X Servers, which is a Unix based OS derived form NeXT, and I have 3 Debain servers used for file storage, which I have set up samba and users/groups for. One also runs apache for internal use only.

I know how easy it is, but I use the command line package managers anyway. I don't use the GUI when setting up or configuring OSes. It is so much faster to use vim, pico, nano, or emacs from the command line to edit your config files.

Really the bottom line is this. When buying a Mac, you gotta look at every feature and spec it gives to honestly compare it to a PC. Only then can you make unbiased remarks on it being over priced or not. Otherwise, you are not actually comparing the two products, you are instead setting up the Mac to fail on a bias. Just because you don't want ABGN wireless built into your PC doesn't mean you cannot account for the cost difference in the Mac since the Mac has it.

Now, if you aren't going to use every feature on a Mac, or don't like them then don't buy one. However, that doesn't make them crappy machines or over priced. People instantly see a Mac Pro and call it way over priced, not realizing that the thing boasts dual Xeon processors, a super expensive high end motherboard with dual memory pipes from each processor, and they do this out of ignorance of the product. Dual Xeon processors by them self are probably going to be $1200-1400.
I never called Apple bad computers ever, and last year when I was looking into getting a new laptop I came very close to purchasing one. But my laptop met the macbook in every way and excelled way past it in most for the same price. I did my research and I even talk to some of the guys on when I was considering it and every single person on there told me when I asked them that I have been told macs are a better quality and they said a pc in the same price range is of just as good quality and will last just as long as a mac. To much of my surprise many of the users on that forum still uses and owns a windows based systems and that is coming from Apple users. I dont not know why you keep bringing up the mac pro cause we have already decided that it is worth its value, in fact the only item from apple I am calling over priced is the macbook and that is it, it is a known fact that apple is getting that same hardware for a lower price then they did a year ago and all I am saying is for apple to lower its price accordingly. I truley believe that apple keeps it at 1k for the fact they don't want to be generalized with the lower end pc market.
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Your right, your paying for a name that is it. I bought this Dell which at that time has/had greater performance then the Mac and came with a two year warranty included in the price. I installed Ubuntu which gives me the same security features and stable OS and my Linux music recording software allows me to do the same production that a mac could give me and I pay less, so why would I buy a mac? Not to mention if I really wanted to use OSX because Linux fell off the face of this earth then I would just build a hackintosh, but that is just me.

Mac is suppose to be for picture/video/music production, god forbid apple users hear about ubuntu studio, apple would go bankrupt.

It isn't just the name though, Apple have AMAZING trackpads. I'm not saying that a trackpad alone is worth the extra that Apple charge, but it does make me really sad that (from what I can tell testing in shops) despite non-Apple trackpads/touchpads looking a lot better in recent years and attempting gestures, they're still pretty rubbish. :( Because I got my macbook fairly cheap and if it breaks I probably wouldn't want to pay to replace it, and I'd really miss the trackpad. (This includes desktop macs now they have a plug in trackpad).
I heard that people have made it possible to use plugin trackpads on Linux so maybe this is a solution.

(Just to be clear, I have a mouse plugged in 99% the time and I use a ton of keyboard shortcuts, I just love the trackpad + gestures as well and am slightly slower on Windows because of this).

There are a few other things I prefer about Macs but I like stuff about Windows too and find both very easy to use (I don't prefer Macs because I find Windows 'hard' as some people assume all mac users do).

I wouldn't be without Windows though just because Macs are so far behind gaming-wise and just the thought of being without Windows scares me a little :p thus I have a very old windows computer also. :)

I really don't understand people who pay a ton for Macs but then don't use the trackpad gestures/mac only apps etc and just use Word/a browser. Then you really ARE paying more for the same thing.

I think I'm fairly balanced and don't understand fanboys of either side!

edit: I don't have an iphone/ipad etc but I can see how people would pay more if they did because they do seem to sync together rather well. Then there's people who have enough spare cash that they may as well get Apple if they prefer the brand. There may be better solutions but I guess some people prefer to spend extra money and not do research to find out.
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Just seen this ^.^
Hopefully it (and the gestures) work as well as on Apple, or will at some point. It would greatly close the gap for me in terms of preferring to work on an Apple computer. :) The only prob is that a laptop wouldn't have this built in (I'm guessing with Windows 8 being more gesture based the trackpads might finally be improving?) so laptop-wise I don't know where it leaves me. I don't have a desktop mac anyways, just a macbook but this is still a good move into decent trackpads for allllll! :)

(The trackpad is the reason I disagree when people say that paying for Apple is paying for a name/style over hardware, because even though people generally mean the hardware specs (and so are correct in their general point) the trackpad *is* hardware and it is amazing. Not necessarily worth the entire cost difference but certainly lots of it for me (back when buying with a student deal at least).
I have an experience to share with you guys. Once I was in a remote place, my signal in my phone got jammed, i thought the problem would be with my service provider. After coming back home i gave black and blues to my customer care highlighting my issue. They pleaded me saying that the problem is not with them. Then i browsed through the search engine regarding my issue, i got a remedy for my cell phone, there i came to know the problem called signal jamming that is experienced in most cell phones. They have a product called cell phone jammer could be very useful to get rid of these problems. Check out the details here 868w jammer and hope this information would be beneficial. Hope that u would pass this information to all your friends, so that they too would benefited, Stay safe, Cheers