How does Apple charge these prices?


VIP Member
Please Apple Users do not jump on me like I am hating on you guys cause using a Unix based OS myself I am a fan of the OSX.

So me and my wife went to Best buy the other day and even though I am not in the market for a new laptop I like to go look and see what hardware the manufacturers are putting in there computers these days. I got to the Apple stand and I was looking at the macbook, this macbook is the $999 one and literally has not changed in a year. Last year I was considering getting a Macbook until I found my Dell that smoked the macbook in all areas and got the same battery life. I thought a year later still offering the same Hardware they would have dropped there price. I mean look at my laptop, it was $999 when I bought it year ago and it is still sold at Best Buy but since it is a year old it is down to $699 cause the hardware in it is cheaper now. How does Apple sell laptops at those prices using such out of date hardware and I mean every time I go in there I see someone buying one. You know that macbook does cost Apple anything to build anymore and they have to have a huge profit margin on those now, how can people trust that company?
I agree. People who buy mac bewilder me. I don't understand why anyone would want to spend more cash than they should have to. A company who makes computers and doesn't allow the consumers to build their own desired version of it is a company I would rather avoid. Think about it, the reason people cannot make mac computers like pcs is because everyone would realize how much cheaper it is to build it yourself versus paying way more than you should for the manufactured product. Apple just has this aura over people I suppose.

Sorry for the rant, /rant finished.
You are paying for more than hardware. When you look at computers you need to consider the bottom line, what can it do, not what is under the hood. Just something to consider.
It can do whatever the stuff under the hood allows it to do. I have always thought macs to be over priced. I personally will never buy one. PCs give me the freedom to build exactly what I want and are much better for gaming.
Because Apple doesn't have much competition within it's userbase..PC manufacturers are in an all out war to sell cheaper PCs. Apple can charge whatever the hell they want and people will still pay it to get it.

Do they care I'm running OSX on my $300 netbook? Nope.
You are paying for more than hardware. When you look at computers you need to consider the bottom line, what can it do, not what is under the hood. Just something to consider.

Your right, your paying for a name that is it. I bought this Dell which at that time has/had greater performance then the Mac and came with a two year warranty included in the price. I installed Ubuntu which gives me the same security features and stable OS and my Linux music recording software allows me to do the same production that a mac could give me and I pay less, so why would I buy a mac? Not to mention if I really wanted to use OSX because Linux fell off the face of this earth then I would just build a hackintosh, but that is just me.

Mac is suppose to be for picture/video/music production, god forbid apple users hear about ubuntu studio, apple would go bankrupt.
I bought a HP windows laptop a while back and seriously hated it.
Last week I bought a 13" macbook pro and it is excellent, in just a day, I used it more than I did the windows laptop since I had it. I would never consider buying the cheaper macbook though, if that is what this thread is about, I cant understand why anybody would buy that, when for not much more you can get the macbook pro.
Battery life left the windows laptop for dead. It is very fast surfing the net. And the overall quality of the aluminum case is awesome, much better than the cheap plastic rubbish of a lot of (NOT ALL) competitors. The backlit keyboard is very nice to type on, especially at night. It is a number of factors combined which make it a very nice laptop to use.
Being the cheapskate I am, I found the cheapest price online that I could, and went into the apple store and asked them to match it. The dude who took the order, just disappeared on me, and did not finalise the order. I was a bit ticked off, they normally have excellent service, so I asked another person to help me. They gave me another $35 off the discounted price, because I had to wait. I thought that was good of them.
Your right, your paying for a name that is it. I bought this Dell which at that time has/had greater performance then the Mac and came with a two year warranty included in the price. I installed Ubuntu which gives me the same security features and stable OS and my Linux music recording software allows me to do the same production that a mac could give me and I pay less, so why would I buy a mac? Not to mention if I really wanted to use OSX because Linux fell off the face of this earth then I would just build a hackintosh, but that is just me.

Mac is suppose to be for picture/video/music production, god forbid apple users hear about ubuntu studio, apple would go bankrupt.

Lol that's not what i'm saying at all. I don't really want to get into because your mind is already made up on the matter, but i'm just saying there is more to computers then just what processor, ram, etc it has.
Your right, your paying for a name that is it. I bought this Dell which at that time has/had greater performance then the Mac and came with a two year warranty included in the price. I installed Ubuntu which gives me the same security features and stable OS and my Linux music recording software allows me to do the same production that a mac could give me and I pay less, so why would I buy a mac? Not to mention if I really wanted to use OSX because Linux fell off the face of this earth then I would just build a hackintosh, but that is just me.

Mac is suppose to be for picture/video/music production, god forbid apple users hear about ubuntu studio, apple would go bankrupt.
I'm sorry, but comparing the production software bundled with Ubuntu Studio to the software available for OS X is like comparing a tricycle and a Ferrari.

The vast majority of people couldn't care less about specs. It's about user experience and ease of use. Apple delivers that bundle better than any PC maker, and it's something people are willing to pay for. Myself included.

I wouldn't touch another laptop brand with a barge pole. There is a reason why PC manufacturers are copying Apple, and not the other way around.
I agree with the OP. I've always thought of apple computers as being overpriced. Granted, their built quality and customer service are great but im not sure if that is enough to justify the price. I've not had a lot of experience with their computers, only some office work here and there. If their OS is anything like itune/ipod/iphone (ie extremely low level of customisation), that would be a major turn off for me.
I also agree with the part about paying for experience but isnt the experience determined by the user? I mean, i customise my PC to suit my needs and preference.
It's all to do with experiences. With a PC you get experiences for all manufactures but with apple it's all from one company and it works seamless so for e.g:

If you go with apple you can have an entire seamless apple experience where it all ties in with synergy:

Mac (Computer), iPhone (Your Phone), iPad (Tablet), iPod (Music), AppleTV (Your settop box), Airport Extreme/Time capsule (Router then some).

Then with the software suite mobile me etc. It's hard to explain but it's the experience OS X gives you that ubuntu can't compete with. Ubuntu may have the same features but the layout doesn't feel right... Oh and Ubuntu studio really? Can it:

Do facial recognition and geo tagging OFB on photos.
Can it green screen video and do GFX
Can ubuntu studio tie in with a tablet music app?

Also, the computers are just a pleasure to use. (I'm talking about the MacBook Pro here, I think the MacBooks are more for educational because they would be a little more protection proof then aluminium as it doesn't have as much glass.
Well the jurys out on the actual hardware comparison to another laptop of similar spec, and it has been shown that apple products do have certain benefits over another similarly priced laptop, at launch at least.
Anyway regardless of the above I completely agree that the price should have dropped some after a year as the cost of the hardware is is less, there really isn't an excuse for apple keeping it at that price, unless apple has changed the price but best buy hasn't.
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I will give you the OSX thing, even though depending on what area we are dicussing Linux is just as good if not better, and a persons experience with the quality of the laptop is them doing there research on the model's, fine example under the laptop area of this forum for the last year or two if you would have asked about HP laptops just about everybody on there would tell you to stay clear of them, happens all the time.
I will give you the OSX thing, even though depending on what area we are dicussing Linux is just as good if not better, and a persons experience with the quality of the laptop is them doing there research on the model's, fine example under the laptop area of this forum for the last year or two if you would have asked about HP laptops just about everybody on there would tell you to stay clear of them, happens all the time.

Linux is not meant for the end user really, at least not until end users get smarter. So, by design any Unix based OS (including OS X and Linux) run of a standard called POSIX (wikipedia it), and what this does in a very simplified explanation is set a series of permissions for users, groups and everyone on every file on the system. Since Unix is a true multi-user platform this means if any virus/malware/etc got on your Unix box and it was destructive, like it deleted personal data, it would wipe out your home directory but nothing else could ever go outside your home directory. Thus, leaving the root file system, all the under-the-hood binaries, and all the configuration files of the OS intact and untouched. So, worst case scenario a piece of malware screws up your home directory and nothing else the OS lies uninfected. This is super awesome for any machine in production, ie business, enterprise, server side stuff, etc.

However, at the end of the day does the end user really care about making sure the Apache service is still running if they get a virus? I am going to say, 99% of users won't give a crap. They are more concerned with the pictures of Mary's first day of kindergarten, or the video of little Billy's first recital, and of course their documents and music. An end user doesn't care that by design OSes that use a standard POSIX are more secure than Windows in every way shape and form. Of course most people don't even know what I am talking about. They just want a computer they can use and want it to work.

So, to say Linux is superior is well, true, because I think it is. However, is Linux superior in usability to the average end user? The answer simply is no, it is not. What OS X does well, is blend the security and rock solidness of a Unix based OS, with a great end user experience.

Also, any cheap PC you try to compare to a Mac is not the same hardware but cheaper. Macs use things like IPS screens, which are super expensive to begin with. Saying that a $700 Dell laptops is comparable to a Macbook is actually a false comparison, because the Macbook has more features and more expensive parts. Also, look at Apple's design. Show me an all in one computer that is as good as an iMac. Show me a micro form factor computer that is as small and as powerful as a Mac Mini. Show me a professional level desktop that is cheaper than a Mac Pro. For a Mac Pro having Xeon processors in it, they are in fact pretty decently priced.

Macs also have other pros that PCs don't. For one they retain resell value. This makes future purchases cheaper, because you can sell your old one and get a decent chunk of change back. Considering that a PC is probably the worst investment you can ever make because it decreases in value so fast, Macs actually retain their resell value. This makes overall cost of ownership cheaper. Furthermore, since Apple builds and designs their systems from the ground up, their life cycle is generally longer. Show me a 6 year old PC that can run Windows 7. The first generation Intel Macs can run 10.6 (Apple's current OS) and they can run it quite well.

In the end you are going to buy what you want, and it is not going to be because it is better, or too expensive or really cheap, you are just going to buy what you want. If you hate Macs that is fine. Just say you do not like them, and you prefer PCs. You cannot argue against an opinion. Looking at the facts though, Macs really aren't over priced and from a technical level they are more secure. Though almost all security breaches these days involve end user interaction, and the user is the weakest link when it comes to security.
Macs use things like IPS screens, which are super expensive to begin with

Thats kinda misleading, the macbooks/pro don't use IPS screens.

In the end no OS is perfect..Windows is extremely customizable but less secure, Linux is secure but not user friendly, and OSX is secure and user friendly but seriously lacks customization.

But this isn't about can run any os on any's all just x64 processors and ddr3 ram and nvidia graphics chips etc. Hackintoshes are everywhere (i'm also guilty of it despite owning 3 macs), so that's not an argument either.

Hardware wise, Apple does add some niceties, like SMS, backlit keyboard, aluminum unibody, long battery life, but most of this can be found in other manufacturers too. The part that strays me personally away is crap like only putting in a mini-dvi port, making retarded adapter dongle things necessary; excessive heat buildup on some of the macbook pros (my personal experience was from the generation with the 8600GT gpu); generally a lack of usb slots; non user replaceable batteries now; just stupid things that bug the hell outta mean. All for the means of looking 'modern' and 'minimalist' or whatever bland monotonous look they're going for.

The other part that stray me away is the cost. Yes, technically it's worth it with the extras you get, but I really don't wanna pay $1000 for a base model laptop. If i'm paying that much it better damn well have an up to date processor, more ram, better than an ok-ish gpu, at LEAST 500gb hard drive..2 usb ports??? Still???? Damn, and definitely more than 2 usb ports...

Like I said, personal preference..but it ain't mine.
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Either way I think regardless of what you prefer we can surely all agree that after a year the exact same laptop should have dropped in price to reflect the dropping hardware costs.
I think that its a combination of the name, the UI and just the general amenities. I agree that Apple products are rather over priced but you have to give them credit, their products are very innovative. Their Macbooks just have a nice feel to them, that just intrigues people. The average person would say they prefer PCs only because they grew up with them. In reality, Macs are also very user-friendly and come with great programs like iMovie and Garageband. On the hardware side, its not just the specs, its more of what its made of that's different (I know I'm being obvious) but really, the design is very soothing and attractive. It's what gets consumers, more than what's under the hood. I mean, besides Macbooks, there are very few lighter colored laptops which tend to be more attractive to the user. In a room full of black and gray laptops with the occasional red or blue, white just seems to be the more soothing and relaxing laptop, almost more casual and connecting with people on a more personal level. I don't know where I'm headed but all in all, Apple makes great products that do tend to be overpriced (in my opinion).
If the PC was the same price a year later, generally speaking it is costing less due to inflation. Without a detailed knowledge you would not know if it had changed under the hood.

Basic economics - supply and demand. If people think it's worth it, they will pay the price. Not everybody wants the ultimate value for money.

I would be more concerned about the idiots that line up for the latest Apple products just to be first, and increase the selling price to everyone else for the next few months. Apple would probably pay those guys just to provide the hype. They would get the money back multiple times.
I'm on the "it's too expensive side" What's funny, while going through the introduction of my apple training (so I'm certified to sell them) they say "apple offers a solution for anyone, even if you are on a tight budget"......their lowest option being about 1k kind of protests that. I think they are cool and all that jazz but the arguments that support the prices are rather weak. One was the back-lit keyboard??? Cause that was never done before... anyway, I think their biggest feature (for the imacs anyway) are the screens. They have such brilliant displays. When it comes to the laptops, you are paying for the OS, and that's really about it. Yeah it's sleek, yeah it works flawlessly with all other apple products (if you really want to pay that much just for simple compatibility, then go for it) they don't have more features than other brand laptops, they have different ones. The parts that are more expensive are the casing and display. They don't make their own components. They didn't create the i processors.

Anyway, what's good is good. people like them, so they buy them. From a software standpoint (besides the OS) there really is no debate. you can get any comparable software for windows that you can for OSX. Here's a funny picture:
Okay lets make a few things straight. 1, by end user I am assuming you mean a everyday pc user who nows little about the OS and the computer it runs on. To say that Linux is not user friendly in this area shows you have not seen a "end User" use it. While I was on deployment I had installed Ubuntu 10.04 of three different "end users" computers and with in a few weeks of using there new OS (all where windows user) where moving through it with no problem. My wife just switched to Ubuntu and she does things with photos, download and listen to music and sync's to her android device and does her school work and I literally showed her very little due to its user friendliness was able to figure things out. Debain packaged OSes are very user friendly.

2, are we discussing apple plain boring white? I can walk into a best buy and find laptops in red, blue, green, grey, black, silver, two tone in any of those and polished Aluminum. Not to mention you bring up apple screen? Well I could get a PC with true 1080p HD screen and bluray (Apple does not offer on any model) and have a much higher resolution quality.

I will say it again, OSX very nice. The computers them self not so much, Apple honestly believes it users base is retarded and I think they are as well to continue to purchase from a company that charges those prices on out of date hardware.