Hot Deals

Gateway 24" hdmi LCD for 179.99 with free shipping

Doesn't have the greatest rating, so beware.

Few good deals here:

I did see on there a 23" samsung with high res, 2048x1136 or something like that, not really familiar with that resolution for 189.99 with free shipping I believe.

There was also a 22" hanns-g 1600x1050 for 139.99 free shipping.

Both look like they have good reviews too.
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I hope those are not USD prices. :eek:

The Corsair 850HX is only $180

Newegg sells the xfx units, last i checked the 850W went for like $190 for the 850W xfx unit, which i would actually recommend over the corsair due to the 80plus silver certification(more effecient than the corsair).
I didnt know they were considered as cheap. :(

Rosekill and Rosehell are two of the names i call the rosewill power supplies, mainly because they are cheap units.

And a good deal here: Is it on sale?...No. Is it a hard to find item?.....No. However it is a great deal for anyone who needs some case fans, yate's are some of the better fans out there for the money, cheaper than an s-flex or slipstream, and 88cfm(although some might want the medium speeds which arent as loud), great fans for the price(more of a tip than a deal i'd say):
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Rosekill and Rosehell are two of the names i call the rosewill power supplies, mainly because they are cheap units.

And a good deal here: Is it on sale?...No. Is it a hard to find item?.....No. However it is a great deal for anyone who needs some case fans, yate's are some of the better fans out there for the money, cheaper than an s-flex or slipstream, and 88cfm(although some might want the medium speeds which arent as loud), great fans for the price(more of a tip than a deal i'd say):

Okie :) funny thing i thought they were good i used to see many of them on the web. But i guess i was wrong. :)