Help with EBAY SELLING!!

One say its 700 and the other guess is 675 and right now its at 610.00 4 days left. I think it might end over 1000.00+ does anyone think so?
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Trizoy said:
last hour...
It says theres 3 Days and 3 Hours left...

Make sure to pack the computer up nicely, because I shipped out my first computer not so well, and the vibrations made some of the cards come loose, as well as damaging the case.

BTW: you may not want to edit it so many times, because when they click on the "revised" link, they see about 2 pages of revisions.
Nice first try, though those into computers would question processor speed, and no operating system as you have it listed.
m3incorp said:
Nice first try, though those into computers would question processor speed, and no operating system as you have it listed.

Yea but they can always upgrade to an x2 3800 for a cheaper price now. And sell the ther one on ebay. An as far as windows xp professional I should of first added windows xp with disk and package! 30 people are watching it and only 4 or 5 bidded. I think the rest will bid the last hour or day
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[-0MEGA-] said:
It says theres 3 Days and 3 Hours left...

Make sure to pack the computer up nicely, because I shipped out my first computer not so well, and the vibrations made some of the cards come loose, as well as damaging the case.

BTW: you may not want to edit it so many times, because when they click on the "revised" link, they see about 2 pages of revisions.

When will they really start bidding? At the last min or the last day?

Last hour...

Trizoy said:
Last hour...
My mistake. I was glancing over you're post and saw that you said "Last Hour", making it seem like it was the last hour of the auction.

And he's right, most people place their bids in the last few hours. Sometimes bids are even coming in when theres less then 10sec left.
it's quite exiciting to sit there at your pc and watch the auction for the last 15 minutes, pressing the refresh constantly, watching the money go up and you rake it in...
9800Pr0 sold for 65 more than I expected!! The only problem is the pc i hope its sells at a good price range.
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