The hostname is only used by a few ISP's... Just click next if it asks for it. (leave it blank).
To setup the connection do this.
Setup (tab), The drop down menu select DHCP Configuration
Under Router name call it anything
Domain Name: Blank
Leave the rest defaults.(set the time to your zone GMT?)
Now your router should be setup to work over the ethernet cords.
To setup the wireless portion go to the wireless tab.
-Select mixed for wireless mode
-SSID:Call it anything (this is what you will see when searching for the wireless signal)
-Channel: Default is 11, change it is you find the phone or bluetooth interfering with it.
-Enable ssaid broadcast (so you can see the signal for a wireless connection)
Fore WEP KEY (secret passcode which allows you to connect to the router for internet access) go to security (tab)
-Select WEP and type in a passphrase (you must remember)
I always use something easy. "I eat pizza on friday"
Anyway, hope it works out easy. If you need the manula here it is...